
单词 无病
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amaurosis〕Total loss of vision, especially when occurring without pathological changes to the eye.黑朦:完全失明,尤指发生时眼部无病理变化美国传统〔asepsis〕The state of being free of pathogenic microorganisms.无菌,无感染:无病原体微生物的状态美国传统〔certify〕The plants must be certified to be virus free.这些植物必须具备无病毒证明。牛津高阶〔infect〕People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others.带有这种病毒的人可能毫无病征,却仍能传染给他人。朗文当代〔mawkish〕A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds, with an inevitable mawkish ending.一段阴暗而感伤的情节慢慢展开, 最后是一个无病呻吟, 让人腻歪的老套结局。外研社新世纪〔obscurantist〕I think that a lot of poetry published today is obscurantist nonsense.我认为当今出版的很多诗歌都是故弄玄虚的无病呻吟。外研社新世纪〔obscurantist〕I think that a lot of poetry published today is obscurantist nonsense.我认为当今出版的很多诗歌都是故弄玄虚的无病呻吟。柯林斯高阶〔sentiment〕The new movie is to be applauded for refusing to drift into mawkish sentiment.这部新片未落入无病呻吟的俗套,势必会赢得热捧。牛津搭配〔show〕She's sick, but she doesn't show it.她病了,但无病态。英汉大词典〔sickle cell trait〕A hereditary condition, usually harmless and without symptoms, in which an individual carries only one gene for sickle cell anemia.镰状细胞性状(或特征):一种遗传性状况,通常无害且无病症,只携带一个镰状细胞性贫血症基因美国传统Even when he was very ill he continued with his work, his manner betraying no hint of his sufferings.即使在病重期间他依旧坚持工作,举手投足毫无病痛的迹象。剑桥国际She disliked the air of sentimentality and mawkishness of the novel.她不喜欢小说中那无病呻吟的伤感。剑桥国际

