
单词 有很多钱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALTHOUGH〕Many poor people give quite a bit of money to charities, despite the fact that they do not have that much themselves. 许多穷人捐出不少善款,尽管他们自己并没有很多钱朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕They don't have a lot of money, but they live comfortably. 他们没有很多钱,不过日子过得很舒服。朗文写作活用〔at someone's disposal〕We had plenty of money at our disposal.我们有很多钱可以自行支配。韦氏高阶〔bag〕She has bags of money.她有很多钱文馨英汉〔bare〕His dad's got bare money.他爸爸有很多钱朗文当代〔bucket〕We haven't exactly got buckets of money.我们并没有很多钱麦克米伦高阶〔burn〕They had money to burn.他们有很多钱美国传统〔contrast〕The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。柯林斯高阶〔exception〕Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception.那时候谁都没有很多钱,我也不例外。牛津高阶〔flaunt〕He's got a lot of money but he doesn't flaunt it.他有很多钱,但从不炫耀。剑桥高阶〔gob〕She has gobs of money.她有很多钱文馨英汉〔have〕He has plenty of money but no style.他有很多钱但没有品位。剑桥高阶〔have〕She has a lot of money.她有很多钱文馨英汉〔having〕Having a lot of money, she lives luxuriously.她有很多钱,所以过著奢华的生活。文馨英汉〔healthy〕She has a healthy bank account.她的银行账户有很多钱韦氏高阶〔imagine〕I don't imagine (that) they have much money.我想他们不会有很多钱剑桥高阶〔lie〕He has ever so much money lying by.他总有很多钱存着不用。英汉大词典〔minted〕You don't have to be minted to drive the new Polo.并不一定要有很多钱才开得起新款 Polo汽车。外研社新世纪〔much〕Has Jack much money? 杰克是不是有很多钱? 英汉大词典〔oodles〕She has oodles of money.她有很多钱韦氏高阶〔oodles〕They've got oodles of money.他们有很多钱朗文当代〔owing〕A lot of money is owing to me.还有很多钱没付给我。外研社新世纪〔play〕The budget is very tight, so there isn't much money to play with.经费很紧,没有很多钱可用。朗文当代〔plenty〕They've always had plenty of money.他们总是有很多钱剑桥高阶〔pot〕He must have pots of money.他一定有很多钱柯林斯高阶〔quite〕They have quite a lot of money.他们有很多钱外研社新世纪〔she〕Why don't you ask Beth – she's got plenty of money.你为什么不去问贝丝 — 她有很多钱朗文当代〔stack〕They have stacks of money.他们有很多钱韦氏高阶〔trappings〕She had lots of money and enjoyed all the trappings of success/wealth.她有很多钱,拥有所有象征成功/财富的东西。韦氏高阶He has plenty of money but no style.他有很多钱但没有品味。剑桥国际He's got loads of money but he's still driving around in that beat-up old car.虽然他有很多钱,他却依旧开着老爷车到处转悠。剑桥国际Let Sarah pay for dinner, she's got heaps of (=a lot of) money.让莎拉付钱----她有很多钱剑桥国际My parents didn't have much money, although we didn't go short of anything.尽管我们不缺衣少食,但我父母并没有很多钱剑桥国际She's got pots of money (= She's very rich).她有很多钱剑桥国际They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be thrifty.他们现在有很多钱,但仍很节俭。剑桥国际They've always had plenty of money.他们总是有很多钱剑桥国际We have plenty of money on hand to pay for the snacks. 我们手边有很多钱可以买零嘴。译典通

