
单词 昆虫翅膀
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cell〕A small enclosed cavity or space, such as a compartment in a honeycomb or within a plant ovary or an area bordered by veins in an insect's wing.小隔间,小空间:封闭的小洞或小空间,比如蜂房内的巢室或植物子房内的小室或昆虫翅膀内以血管分界的区域美国传统〔connivent〕Converging and touching but not fused, as stamens or an insect's wings.逐渐集中的:聚合并接触但未融合的,例如雄蕊或昆虫翅膀的逐渐靠合美国传统〔ordinate〕Arranged in regular rows, as the spots on the wings of an insect.按行排列的:按规则的行排列的,如昆虫翅膀上的斑点的排列美国传统〔wing〕Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect.昆虫翅膀:昆虫的胸部延伸出的用于飞行的器官,通常是四个美国传统

