
单词 regeneration
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blastema〕A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.胚基:身体某部分或一器官由此发育的一组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生能力美国传统〔down〕The council estate will be pulled down as part of a £140m regeneration scheme.这个市建住房群将被拆掉, 这是投资1.4亿英镑的复兴计划的一部分。外研社新世纪〔impetus〕This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.这一决定会给东伦敦的经济复苏带来新的推动力。柯林斯高阶〔impetus〕This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.这一决策将重新为伦敦东部的经济复兴提供推动力。外研社新世纪〔neogenesis〕Biology Regeneration of tissue.【生物学】 新生:组织的新生美国传统〔par〕The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美。剑桥高阶〔phallus〕These primitive peoples are believed to have worshipped the phallus as a symbol of regeneration.据信这些原始人崇拜阴茎形象,把它视为繁衍的象征。剑桥高阶〔pie〕The true regeneration of devastated Docklands seemed like pie in the sky.真正重建被毁坏的多克兰看上去似乎非常渺茫。外研社新世纪〔pie〕The true regeneration of devastated Docklands seemed like pie in the sky.遭毁坏码头区的真正重建看起来希望渺茫。柯林斯高阶〔regenerate〕To effect regeneration.引起再生美国传统〔regenerate〕Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.维生素B可以促进红细胞再生。柯林斯高阶〔regenerative〕Of, relating to, or marked by regeneration.再生的:再生的,关于再生的或以再生为标志的美国传统The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.委员会在进行一项城市重建计划。剑桥国际These primitive peoples are believed to have worshipped the phallus as a symbol of regeneration.有人认为这些原始人崇拜阴茎图象,认为这是繁延的标志。剑桥国际

