
单词 sauntered
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WALK〕As usual, Ron sauntered into the office twenty minutes late. 跟平常一样,罗恩迟了20分钟才慢悠悠地走进办公室。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting near the barbecue. 我溜达着走进花园,那里有一些朋友正在烤架旁聊天。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Tom and his sidekick Larry sauntered into the bar, plainly looking for a fight. 汤姆和他的跟班拉里不紧不慢地走进酒吧,明显想找人打架。朗文写作活用〔across〕He sauntered across and asked her to dance.他慢步走去, 邀她跳舞。外研社新世纪〔boulevard〕They sauntered along the tree-lined boulevard.他们沿着两旁绿树成荫的大道漫步。牛津搭配〔confident〕She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.她从容地走到拍摄片场,看起来沉着而自信。牛津搭配〔detach〕He detached himself from his party and sauntered over to her table.他离开伙伴,踅到她的桌边。英汉大词典〔saunter〕A policeman sauntered over from across the road to find out what the crowd was doing.一个警察从马路对面踱将过来,看看那群人在干什么。英汉大词典〔saunter〕He sauntered along the river to the mill.他沿着河边漫步走到磨坊。柯林斯高阶〔saunter〕He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.他悠闲地走过,仿佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。牛津高阶〔saunter〕He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself.他悠闲漫步,怡然自得。剑桥高阶〔saunter〕He sauntered casually through the door.他悠闲地走过了那道门。牛津搭配〔saunter〕He sauntered into the store.他悠闲地走进商店。韦氏高阶〔saunter〕On Monday morning Jemmy sauntered on the road of Madison Square.星期一的上午杰米还在麦迪逊广场的马路上闲逛。21世纪英汉〔saunter〕People sauntered through the park on summer mornings.夏日的早晨,人们在公园里漫步。英汉大词典〔saunter〕She sauntered over and said hello.她款款地走过来,打了个招呼。牛津搭配〔saunter〕Some girls sauntered by.一些女孩悠闲地走过。韦氏高阶〔saunter〕They sauntered slowly down the street.他们在马路上慢悠悠地闲逛。韦氏高阶All afternoon he sauntered up and down, looking at the shops and the people. 整个下午他四处闲逛,瞧瞧商店,看看行人。译典通He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself.他漫步闲逛,悠然自得。剑桥国际

