
单词 一绺
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEPARATE〕Hair conditioner helps your curls to separate. 护发素可以让你的鬈发一绺一绺地自然分开。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕His hair was white, and stuck up in tufts on his head. 他的头发白了,一绺绺竖在头上。朗文写作活用〔break〕The bullet burned the hair off in a groove, yet it never broke the skin.子弹削去一绺头发留下一道槽纹,但丝毫没有伤及皮肤。英汉大词典〔brow〕She brushed back a stray lock of hair from her brow.她将一绺散落的头发从额头梳到后面。牛津搭配〔brush〕She brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen over her eye.她把挂下来遮住眼睛的一绺头发捋开。英汉大词典〔cowlick〕A projecting tuft of hair on the head that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and will not lie flat.反毛:头上翘着的一绺头发,与其他头发的方向不一致且不易压平美国传统〔curl paper〕A piece of soft paper on which a lock of hair is rolled up for curling.卷发垫纸:一种软纸,把一绺头发放在上面卷曲起来进行卷发美国传统〔curl〕A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。柯林斯高阶〔curl〕As she talked, she curled a strand of hair on one finger.她一边说,一边把一绺头发绕在指头上。麦克米伦高阶〔curl〕She pushed a stray curl away from her eyes.她撩开眼前一绺散落下的鬈发。牛津搭配〔hackle〕A tuft of cock feathers trimming an artificial fishing fly.蝇钩上的饰毛:装饰在钓鱼用蝇钩上的一绺公鸡毛美国传统〔hairpiece〕A covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used to conceal baldness or give shape to a coiffure.假发:用来遮秃或装饰发型的一块或一绺人发或假发美国传统〔hairpiece〕Do you think he wears a hairpiece? 你认为他戴了一绺假发吗?剑桥高阶〔length〕Quite a length of hair hung down in a braid.相当长的一绺头发编成辫子垂下。英汉大词典〔lock〕He gently pushed a lock of hair from her eyes.他轻轻地为她撩开眼前的一绺头发。朗文当代〔lock〕John brushed a lock of hair from his eyes.约翰撩开眼前的一绺头发。牛津高阶〔lock〕She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.她撩开他脑门上的一绺头发。柯林斯高阶〔quiff〕A tuft of hair, especially a forelock.额前的一绺卷发:一缕头发,尤指额发美国传统〔reinforce〕The apparitional look of her face was reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair.一绺绺散乱颤动的头发使她那幽灵似的面容显得更加可怕。英汉大词典〔ringlet〕A long, spirally curled lock of hair.长鬃发:成螺旋状弯曲的一绺长发美国传统〔spit curl〕A spiral curl of hair pressed flat against the cheek, temple, or forehead.螺旋状卷发:垂于脸颊、太阳或额前等处一绺螺旋状卷发美国传统〔strand〕She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.她把一绺松下来的头发拢到耳后。剑桥高阶〔stray〕She brushed back a stray curl of hair.她把一绺卷曲的散发向后梳去。麦克米伦高阶〔swirl〕Something, such as a curl of hair, that coils, twists, or whirls.回曲的东西:如一绺卷发的弯曲、盘旋或回曲美国传统〔tag〕A dirty, matted lock of wool.一撮纠结的羊毛:一绺脏的、纠结在一起的羊毛美国传统〔tag〕A loose lock of hair.一绺松散的头发美国传统〔toupee〕A partial wig or hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot.假发:戴在头上以遮盖秃发部位的部分假发或一绺假发美国传统〔tussock〕A tuft of hair or feathers.丛簇:一绺头发或一撮羽毛美国传统〔twine〕The girls, before their marriage-day, cut off a curl, and twining it round a distaff, lay it upon the grave of the strangers.姑娘们在她们的婚礼日之前, 剪下一绺头发, 缠在纺纱杆上, 放到陌生人的坟头。外研社新世纪〔wind〕The hair is divided into sections and wound around heated rods.头发分成一绺绺绕在加热了的小棒上。朗文当代〔wisp〕She smoothed away a wisp of hair from her eyes.她将眼前的一绺头发拨开。外研社新世纪A wisp of gray hair stuck out from under her hat. 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了出来。译典通There is a lock of Napoleon's hair in the display cabinet.在展示柜里存有一绺拿破仑的头发。剑桥国际

