“to follow suit”例句

单词 to follow suit
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COPY〕Other oil companies are expected to follow suit and raise prices before the end of the month. 其他石油公司大概会跟随在月底之前提价。朗文写作活用〔bound〕Others felt bound to follow suit.其他人觉得有必要效仿。外研社新世纪〔follow〕Budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.廉价航空公司很成功,其他航空公司只得仿效,降低票价。朗文当代〔renege〕Games To fail to follow suit in cards when able and required by the rules to do so.【游戏】 藏牌:在牌戏中能够并且根据规则必须跟牌时没有跟牌美国传统〔revoke〕Failure to follow suit in a card game.藏牌:在纸牌游戏中不跟同一套花色的牌美国传统〔revoke〕To fail to follow suit in cards when required and able to do so.藏牌:需要时不跟同一套花色的牌,且能这样做时美国传统〔suit〕Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.说服其余人跟着效仿的努力仍在继续。柯林斯高阶

