“to contribute to”例句

单词 to contribute to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔archaeology〕What does archaeologist have to contribute to modern society? 考古学对现代社会有何贡献?文馨英汉〔by〕Casinos are forbidden by law to contribute to political campaigns.法律禁止赌场为政治竞选活动捐钱。麦克米伦高阶〔club〕To contribute to a joint or common purpose.捐助:为共同的目的而捐献美国传统〔contribute〕He believes he has something to contribute to a discussion concerning the uprising.他认为自己能够为有关起义的讨论提供一些信息。柯林斯高阶〔contribute〕He believes he has something to contribute to a discussion concerning the uprising.他认为在有关起义的讨论中自己还是有话可说的。外研社新世纪〔contribute〕He felt he had nothing to contribute to the discussion.他感到自己对这项讨论没有什么可说的。麦克米伦高阶〔contribute〕He had very little to contribute to the conversation.他在这次谈话中几乎什么也没说。牛津搭配〔contribute〕I was asked to contribute to a newspaper article making predictions for the new year.我受邀为报纸撰写一篇文章,对新的一年进行预测。柯林斯高阶〔contribute〕I would like to contribute to the church restoration fund.我愿向教堂修缮基金捐款。牛津搭配〔contribute〕Many local businesses offered to contribute to the school rebuilding fund.当地的许多企业主动向学校的重建基金慷慨解囊。麦克米伦高阶〔contribute〕Would you like to contribute to our collection? 你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗?牛津高阶〔enlist〕The company has enlisted some of its long-serving artists to contribute to the album.公司找了几位长期为其服务的歌手来为这张专辑出力。外研社新世纪〔environmentalism〕With the growth of environmentalism, the industry mobilized itself to contribute to environmental policy.随着环保主义的深入人心, 该行业自发动员起来, 为环保政策出力。外研社新世纪〔ethnography〕One of the aims of ethnography is to contribute to an understanding of the human race.编写人种志的目的之一是促进对人类的了解。剑桥高阶〔help〕To contribute to the furtherance of; promote.促进:对…有帮助;促进美国传统〔help〕These verbs mean to contribute to the fulfillment of a need, the furtherance of an effort, or the achievement of a purpose or end.这些动词都表示对一种需要的完成、努力的促进或一个目的或目标的取得起一份作用。美国传统If you've anything to contribute to this year's fair--time, energy, enthusiasm--we'd love to hear from you! 如果你能为今年的义卖会奉献点什么----时间、精力还是热情----请和我们联系。剑桥国际One of the aims of ethnography is to contribute to an understanding of the human race.人种志的目标之一是为了更好地理解人类。剑桥国际

