“to inspire”例句

单词 to inspire
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alternative〕To inspire staff, businesses should be looking at alternative ways that are more effective than pay rises.为了激励员工, 各公司应该考虑比涨工资更有效的其他办法。外研社新世纪〔animate〕To inspire to action; prompt.怂恿;驱使美国传统〔attempt〕As a teacher, he endeavors to inspire a love of learning in his students.作为老师,他一直努力激发学生们对学习的热爱。韦氏高阶〔awe〕To inspire with awe.因恐惧而引起美国传统〔awe〕The power to inspire dread.唤起恐惧的权势美国传统〔charisma〕He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.他既无谋略又无个人魅力来鼓舞人。柯林斯高阶〔charisma〕He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.他既没有谋略也没有激励人的感召力。外研社新世纪〔dazzle〕To inspire admiration or wonder.赞叹:激起佩服或好奇美国传统〔encourage〕To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten.鼓励,鼓舞:以希望、勇气或信心等鼓舞;使振作美国传统〔hoary〕So old as to inspire veneration; ancient.久远的,古老的:因年老而引起尊敬或崇拜;古老的美国传统〔infatuate〕To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment.使迷恋:使不自觉的爱慕或迷恋美国传统〔inspire〕By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.演员希望通过访问学校鼓励孩子们演出自己的作品。牛津高阶〔inspire〕Her resignation will do little to inspire confidence in a company that is already struggling.她的辞职不太会激起一家已在挣扎中的公司的信心。麦克米伦高阶〔inspire〕Stewart did his best to inspire his team to greater efforts.斯图尔特竭尽全力激励他的球队作更大的努力。麦克米伦高阶〔inspire〕Successful officers have the capacity to inspire respect.成功的军官能够激起人们的尊敬。外研社新世纪〔inspire〕The young painter had the example of Picasso to inspire and guide him.这位青年画家有毕加索的榜样激励并指引着他。英汉大词典〔inspire〕We use interactive displays to inspire children to read and write for pleasure.我们用互动表演来激励孩子们快乐地阅读和写作。麦克米伦高阶〔sparkplug〕To inspire or energize (an endeavor, for example).激励,促进:发起或倡导(如事业尝试)美国传统〔student〕Teachers use a variety of materials to inspire their students.教师用各种材料来激发学生的学习热情。剑桥高阶〔unquestioning〕He seemed to inspire unquestioning trust in his followers.他似乎唤起了追随者们对他的绝对信任。麦克米伦高阶When I was fat, I would cut pictures out and paste my own head onto the slim body to inspire myself.那时发胖,我老把照片剪开把自己的头贴在苗条的身体上鼓励自己。剑桥国际

