
单词 公民权
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COME FROM〕White resistance to Civil Rights was founded on age-old fears of democracy. 白人对公民权的抵制来源于他们多年来对民主的恐惧。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕She had been actively involved in the struggle for civil rights in the US in the '60s. 60年代她在美国积极参与争取公民权利的斗争。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The President has agreed to talks with civil rights campaigners. 总统已同意与公民权利活动家进行会谈。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The civil rights movement illustrates how people can change the constitution of their country. 公民权利运动说明了人民如何能改革自己国家的宪法。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕He was formally stripped of his American citizenship. 他被正式剥夺了美国公民权朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕People are campaigning for civil rights and especially for the vote. 人们正在发起一场争取公民权,尤其是选举权的运动。朗文写作活用〔attainder〕In the ancient common law, the state into which an offender was placed when a sentence against him for a capital offense was handed down.被剥夺公民权及财产:在古代习惯法中,对重罪的宣判下来时犯罪者所陷入的状况美国传统〔attaint〕To pass a sentence of attainder against.宣判剥夺…的财产和公民权美国传统〔carriable〕The civil rights bill carried by a large majority.公民权利法案获得大多数同意而通过。21世纪英汉〔civics〕The branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens.公民学:研究城市事务和公民权利与义务的政治科学的分支美国传统〔civil death〕Total deprivation of civil rights resulting from conviction for treason or other serious offense.剥夺公民权终身:因叛国或其它严重犯罪行为而导致的公民权力的全部剥夺美国传统〔civil rights〕Civil rights include freedom, equality in law and in employment, and the right to vote.公民权包括法律上和就业上的自由、平等以及投票权。剑桥高阶〔contentious〕The House is getting ready for some contentious debate today on civil-rights legislation.下议院已经准备好就公民权利立法中的争议性问题在今天展开辩论。外研社新世纪〔death〕Law Civil death.【法律】 剥夺公民权终身美国传统〔defend〕His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church.他在捍卫宗教和公民权利时所表现出来的勇气鼓舞了许多教会之外的人。柯林斯高阶〔demonstrate〕Their objective was to demonstrate peacefully for civil rights.他们的目标是为公民权利而进行和平示威。牛津搭配〔denaturalize〕To deprive of the rights of citizenship.剥夺…的公民权美国传统〔denizen〕Chiefly British A foreigner who is granted rights of residence and sometimes of citizenship.【多用于英国】 外来户:被赋予居住权有时也有公民权的外来居民美国传统〔denounce〕The letter called for trade union freedom and civil rights, but did not openly denounce the regime.这封信呼吁保障工会自由和公民权利,但没有公开谴责该政权。柯林斯高阶〔deprivation〕The civil-rights statutes protect people from wilful deprivation of constitutional rights.公民权利法令保障了人们的宪法权利不会被任意剥夺。外研社新世纪〔disfranchise〕To deprive of a privilege, an immunity, or a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote; disenfranchise.剥夺权利:剥夺…的特权、豁免权或公民权,尤指选举权;剥夺…的权利美国传统〔disobedience〕He advocated non-violent civil disobedience as a strategy to achieve civil rights.他倡导采用非暴力反抗的策略获得公民权利。牛津搭配〔egalitarian〕Affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people.平等主义:坚信、促进或以如下信仰为特征的,即相信人门在政治、经济、社会和公民权利方面是平等的美国传统〔emergency〕The government imposed emergency rule and suspended civil rights.政府实行紧急状态治理,并暂时中止公民权牛津搭配〔emphasis〕He spoke with special emphasis on the subject of civil rights.在谈到公民权利这个话题时, 他特别加重了语气。外研社新世纪〔enfranchise〕To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.赋予公民权,尤其是选举权美国传统〔equal〕He supported equal rights for all citizens.他支持所有公民权利平等。麦克米伦高阶〔extension〕Martin Luther King, Jr, campaigned for the extension of civil rights to (= for them to include) black people.小马丁‧路德‧金发起了为黑人争取公民权利的运动。剑桥高阶〔freedom march〕An organized protest march in support of civil rights, especially one aimed at ending racial segregation.反对种族歧视的示威游行:为支持公民权利南非进行的有组织的游行,目的为结束种族歧视美国传统〔freedom〕Possession of civil rights; immunity from the arbitrary exercise of authority.公民权的享有:公民权利的享有;免除掌权之人恣意使用权力美国传统〔freeman〕One who possesses the rights or privileges of a citizen.公民:拥有公民权利或特权的人美国传统〔infamous〕Convicted of a crime, such as treason or felony, that carries such a punishment.罪行可招致公民权被褫夺的:被告犯有某种罪行,如叛国罪或重罪,而要以上述之刑罚惩罚的美国传统〔infamous〕Punishable by severe measures, such as death, long imprisonment, or loss of civil rights.被褫夺公民权的:被严厉的手段,如死刑、长期监禁或剥夺公民权所惩罚的美国传统〔intrude〕Civil Rights campaigners say the new laws will intrude on people's personal freedom.公民权利运动者宣称那部新法律会侵犯公民的个人自由。麦克米伦高阶〔martial law〕Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down.军事管制:战时或公民权力机关垮台时由军事机关暂时管理民众的一种法令美国传统〔naturalize〕To grant full citizenship to (one of foreign birth).使入国籍:获得完全的公民权(外国出生的)美国传统〔outlawry〕The act or process of outlawing or the state of having been outlawed.被剥夺公民权:宣布非法的行为或过程或被剥压公民权的状态美国传统〔outlaw〕A person excluded from normal legal protection and rights.不受法律保护的人:被剥夺法律保护和公民权的人美国传统〔pave〕The Supreme Court decision paved the way for further legislation on civil rights.最高法院的这一判决为公民权利方面的进一步立法铺平了道路。朗文当代〔preserve〕They are fighting to preserve their rights as citizens.他们正奋力维护自己的公民权利。韦氏高阶〔primacy〕The government insists on the primacy of citizens' rights.政府坚持把公民权利放在首位。剑桥高阶〔regardless〕There must be equality of rights for all citizens, regardless of nationality.不分民族,所有公民权利均等。麦克米伦高阶〔renounce〕She renounced her citizenship.她宣布放弃公民权利。朗文当代〔retain〕You will retain your rights as a citizen.你将保留你的公民权利。韦氏高阶〔safeguard〕The new law has safeguards to protect the rights of citizens.新法律有保护公民权利的保障措施。韦氏高阶〔strike〕The law would strike at the most basic of civil rights.这项法令会侵犯最基本的公民权利。朗文当代〔strip〕He was stripped of his power [citizenship].他被剥夺权力[公民权]。文馨英汉〔trample〕Diplomats denounced the leaders for trampling their citizens' civil rights.外交官谴责这些领导人践踏其公民的公民权柯林斯高阶〔tribune〕They've become tribunes of the people.他们成了公民权利的捍卫者。韦氏高阶〔violation〕He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.他声称他们如此对待他是对他的公民权/宪法所赋予的权利/人权的粗暴侵犯。剑桥高阶Citizenship is automatic for children born in this country.出生于该国内的孩子必能获得该国的公民权剑桥国际Civil rights groups are demanding the release of all political prisoners (= people who are kept in prison because their political beliefs are different from those of the government).公民权利组织要求释放所有的政治犯。剑桥国际Civil rights include freedom, equality in law and in employment, and the right to vote.公民权包括法律上和就业上的自由和平等以及投票权。剑桥国际He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional rights.他声称那对待他的方式是一种对他的公民权/宪法权利的粗野侵害。剑桥国际Issues of citizenship are beyond/outside the jurisdiction of local government.公民权问题超越了地方政府的权限。剑桥国际The government insists on the primacy of citizens’rights.政府坚持把公民权利放在首位。剑桥国际

