
单词 肯定的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Enemy forces were almost certainly preparing to invade. 敌军准备入侵差不多是肯定的了。朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Computer prices will continue to fall - that's certain. 电脑价格将会继续下跌—那是肯定的朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕She'll come home when she runs out of money, that's for sure. 她把钱花完就会回家,那是肯定的朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕We will be glad to see the back of Williams, that's for sure. 看到威廉斯离去,我们会很高兴,那是肯定的朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕In the current economic climate it is fairly predictable that unemployment will continue to rise. 在当前的经济环境里,可以肯定的是,失业率将会持续上升。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕There are few predictable elements to this conflict -- the only certainty is that the situation will worsen before it gets better. 这次冲突的因素大多难以预料——唯一可以肯定的是,情势变好之前必先恶化。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕It is almost certain that the government will lose the next election. 政府将在下届选举中失利,这几乎是肯定的朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕He was certain about one thing - she would come back one day. 有一件事他是肯定的一总有一天她会回来。朗文写作活用〔YES〕Are men more mechanical than women? 67% of all men responding to our poll answered in the affirmative. 男性是否比女性更擅长于机械方面?对我们这次民意调查作出回应的男性中,有67%的回答是肯定的朗文写作活用〔YES〕If you're asking me whether I think we should do it, the answer is yes. 如果你问我认为我们应不应该做这件事,回答是肯定的朗文写作活用〔YES〕When asked if he recognized the defendant, the witness replied in the affirmative. 当被问及是否认出被告的时候,证人作出肯定的回答。朗文写作活用〔affirmation〕Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.证实:被断定是正确的事物;肯定的陈述或判断美国传统〔affirmation〕The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; assertion.肯定:肯定的行为或被肯定的状态;断言美国传统〔affirmatively〕Haig was desperately eager for an affirmative answer.黑格非常渴望得到一个肯定的回答。柯林斯高阶〔affirmatively〕He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.他问我是否准备好了,我给出肯定的回答。柯林斯高阶〔affirmative〕Haig was desperate for an affirmative answer.黑格迫切想得到肯定的答复。外研社新世纪〔affirmative〕He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.他问我是否准备好了。我给出了肯定的回答。外研社新世纪〔affirmative〕He replied promptly in the affirmative.他迅速作出了肯定的回应。麦克米伦高阶〔affirmative〕She answered in the affirmative(= said ‘yes’).她作出了肯定的答复。牛津高阶〔affirmative〕She asked the question expecting an affirmative.她问这个问题是希望得到肯定的答复。剑桥高阶〔affirmative〕She gave an affirmative answer, not a negative answer.她给了一个肯定的而不是否定的回答。韦氏高阶〔answer〕The answer to your question is yes.对你的问题回答是肯定的麦克米伦高阶〔assertion〕Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.断言:肯定的宣称或陈述,通常没有证据或不试图证实美国传统〔case〕Perhaps safety was an issue. In any case, the decision was taken to abandon this particular pit.安全性也许是个问题。但可以肯定的是, 已经决定废弃这个矿坑。外研社新世纪〔certain〕It is certain that Rodney arrived the previous day.罗德尼是前一天到的, 这一点是肯定的外研社新世纪〔certain〕It now seems certain that there will be an election in May.五月份将举行大选现在看来似乎是肯定的了。朗文当代〔certain〕One thing is certain - she won't resign willingly.有一点是肯定的——她不会心甘情愿地辞职。剑桥高阶〔certain〕One thing was certain: someone had been in his room.有一点是肯定的:有人进过他的房间。麦克米伦高阶〔cert〕She's a dead cert to win.绝对肯定的麦克米伦高阶〔charming〕I'm glad I'm not going with you, that's for sure.—Oh, charming!我很高兴我不和你一起去, 那是肯定的。——哦, 好极了!外研社新世纪〔cold〕Marked by unqualified certainty or sure familiarity.肯定的:绝对确定或完全熟悉的美国传统〔congratulation〕Often congratulations An expression of such joy or acknowledgment. 常作 congratulations 这种喜悦或肯定的表示方式美国传统〔credit〕Although the offences were horrific, it was to her credit that she had owned up.虽然她犯下了可怕的罪行, 但是值得肯定的是她全部供认不讳。外研社新世纪〔definitely〕The room is definitely not ready.这个房间还没收拾好,这是肯定的韦氏高阶〔doubtless〕Certain; assured.无疑的;肯定的美国传统〔doubtless〕Doubtless there would be lots of rumours.会出现大量谣言是肯定的朗文当代〔draw〕It would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey.仅凭一次调查结果就下肯定的结论是不明智的。朗文当代〔elicit〕The question elicited a positive response from 60% of voters.60%的投票者对这个问题给出了肯定的回答。麦克米伦高阶〔emphatic〕Forceful and definite in expression or action.强烈的,肯定的:表达或行为强烈且明确的美国传统〔end〕His speech ended on a positive note.他用肯定的语气结束了演讲。牛津搭配〔favorable〕He was given a favorable recommendation.他获得了对他表示支持与肯定的推荐。韦氏高阶〔favorable〕I hope you will give favorable consideration to my suggestion.我希望你对我的建议作出肯定的表示。美国传统〔favourable〕We are hoping for a favourable reply from the committee.我们希望该委员会能给一个肯定的答复。麦克米伦高阶〔favourable〕We have had a favourable response to the plan so far.到目前为止,关于此计划我们得到的反馈是肯定的剑桥高阶〔feedback〕Feedback was generally positive.反应大体上是肯定的麦克米伦高阶〔given〕Sandra will be at least 15 minutes late – that's a given.桑德拉至少会迟到 15 分钟,这是肯定的朗文当代〔given〕The fact that people find change difficult is taken as given.人都这样,要把什么改变一下总觉得很难,这是肯定的朗文当代〔invigorate〕He was invigorated by the positive feedback.他因得到了肯定的反馈而备受鼓舞。韦氏高阶〔man〕The man from the newspaper wrote some positive things about the movie.报社来的人对影片作了肯定的评价。剑桥高阶〔nailed on〕His breaking the goalscoring record for Ireland now seems nailed on.他将会打破爱尔兰进球纪录,这是非常肯定的剑桥高阶〔negation〕The opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive, or affirmative.不存在:被认作为事实的,积极的或肯定的事物的反义词或缺乏美国传统〔nitpicker〕Nitpickers might question his choice of words, but his point was worth making.吹毛求疵的人可能会挑剔他的用词,但他的观点还是值得肯定的韦氏高阶〔positively〕He responded positively and accepted the fee of £1,000 I had offered.他作出了肯定的回应并接受了我支付的1,000英镑的费用。外研社新世纪〔positive〕He responded positively and accepted the fee of £1,000 I had offered.他作出了肯定的答复,并接受了我给的1,000英镑的费用。柯林斯高阶〔positive〕Public response was positive.公众持肯定的态度。英汉大词典〔positive〕The experiment is working well and feedback is very positive.实验进展顺利,反馈也都是肯定的麦克米伦高阶〔positive〕The witness made a positive identification.目击者作出了肯定的辨认。朗文当代〔probable〕A daily score was kept of the planes shot down — confirmed ones and probables.对击落的飞机——已经证实的以及大致可以肯定的——每天都有数字记录。英汉大词典〔probable〕Likely but uncertain; plausible.大概的:可能但不能肯定的;似乎真实的美国传统〔prone〕She's prone to exaggerate, that's for sure.她喜欢夸大其词,这一点是肯定的剑桥高阶〔qualified〕Mr Wade answers both questions with a qualified yes.韦德先生对两个问题给出了不完全肯定的回答。柯林斯高阶〔regard〕These nouns refer to a feeling based on perception of and a measure of approval for the worth of a person or thing.这些名词指基于对一个人或物的价值肯定的感受及衡量而建立的感情。美国传统〔respond〕Both sides have responded positively to the plan.双方都对方案作出了肯定的回应。牛津搭配〔respond〕He responded yes to both questions.他对两个问题都作了肯定的回答。英汉大词典〔result〕The experiments gave positive results in all cases.所有的实验都得出肯定的结果。朗文当代〔steady〕Direct and unfaltering; sure.不动摇的:直接的或不动摇的;肯定的美国传统〔stock〕It will be a speech that takes stock in our accomplishments.这将是一次对我们的成就予以肯定的讲话。外研社新世纪〔strike〕The report struck a positive note in the final paragraph.这份报告在最后一段显示了肯定的语调美国传统〔suggest〕I suggest (that) we wait a while before we make any firm decisions.我建议我们在作出任何明确而肯定的决定之前先考虑片刻。剑桥高阶〔sure〕One thing's for sure - once the baby's born, your lives will never be the same again.有一点是肯定的——一旦孩子出生,生活就完全不一样了。剑桥高阶〔sure〕One thing's for sure, his vocal style hasn't changed much.有一点是肯定的, 他的歌唱风格没有什么大改变。外研社新世纪〔sure〕One thing's for sure, we'll never be able to move this furniture on our own.有一点是肯定的,我们自己绝对搬不动这家具。朗文当代〔then〕If the answer is 'yes', then we must decide on an appropriate course of action.如果答案是肯定的,那么我们必须商定合适的行动方案。柯林斯高阶〔to be sure〕This is not his best book, to be sure, but it is still worth reading.这本不是他写得最好的书,这一点是肯定的,但还是值得一读。剑桥高阶〔uh-huh〕Used to express agreement or an answer in the affirmative.用来表示同意或肯定的回答美国传统〔yea〕An affirmative statement or vote.肯定的陈述:肯定的陈述或表示赞成美国传统〔yes〕He answered with a yes.他给了肯定的回答。牛津搭配〔zero〕Having no measurable or otherwise determinable value.无价值的:没有重大的或其它可肯定的价值的美国传统He replied in the affirmative (=He said yes).他作了肯定的回答。剑桥国际Her answer was affirmative. 她的回答是肯定的译典通I think I can come next Tuesday, but I will send you a confirmation by post. 我想下星期二可以来,不过我会写信把肯定的答复告诉你。译典通If you're not quite sure of your facts, then only talk in general terms (= without giving any details).如果你对你所掌握的事实不大肯定的话,那么就大致地谈一谈吧。剑桥国际It's a sure bet that a piece of equipment will break down when you need it most.一台设备在你最需要它的时候便出现故障,这种事几乎是肯定的牛津商务One thing is certain (=known to be correct) --she won't resign willingly.有一点是肯定的----她不会心甘情愿地辞职。剑桥国际One thing's for sure--once the baby's born, your lives will never be the same again.有一件事是可以肯定的----一旦孩子出生,你们的生活将大不相同。剑桥国际She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might like to do in the future but nothing firm.她对将来做什么有些模糊的想法,但没有任何肯定的计划。剑桥国际The man from the BBC wrote some positive things about the film.BBC 的记者对影片作了肯定的评价。剑桥国际The words undoubtedly give the air of positiveness. 毫无疑问,这些话增添了肯定的气氛。译典通There's no escaping the fact that (= It is certain that) we won't be able to complete these orders without extra staff.这是肯定的,不增加职员我们就无法完成这些订单。剑桥国际They answered in the affirmative. 他们作了肯定的回答。译典通We have had a favourable response to (=an answer expressing approval of ) the plan so far.现在为止,我们得到的对这个计划的反映是肯定的剑桥国际We need a reference from your former employer before we can give you a definite job offer.在向你提供肯定的职位之前,我们需要你原来雇主的推荐信。剑桥国际

