
单词 茅舍
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔all〕A hut was all the home he ever had.一间茅舍是他仅有的栖身之处。英汉大词典〔babble away〕The stream babbled away (或 on,along) just behind our grass hut.那条小溪就在我们茅舍后面潺潺流过。21世纪英汉〔bamboo〕The roof of a grass hut was bambooed.茅舍顶已用竹子搭好。21世纪英汉〔cabin〕A small, roughly built house; a cottage.小木屋,茅舍:简单建造的小房屋;木舍美国传统〔cottage〕They live in an idyllic country/thatched cottage, with roses around the door.他们住在田园诗般的乡村小屋/茅舍,门前玫瑰环绕。剑桥高阶〔darkle〕The huts darkled away into the gloom of the field.那些茅舍逐渐变模糊,融入了一片苍茫的原野中。21世纪英汉〔draw〕Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.凯蒂画了一间小茅舍,边上流淌着一条小溪。朗文当代〔mean〕We lived in the meanest hovel on the mountain road.我们住在山路边最简陋的茅舍里。外研社新世纪〔shelter〕An old hut gave shelter from the storm.一间旧茅舍成了躲避暴风雨的地方。朗文当代〔thatch〕They live in a thatched cottage.他们住在茅舍里。牛津高阶There's a wee cottage inside the grounds.场地里有一间很小的茅舍剑桥国际They lived in a remote cottage set high on a woody hillside.他们住在一个偏僻的茅舍里,茅舍高高地座落在一个长满树木的小山坡上。剑桥国际They're thatching a cottage in the village this week.他们这星期在村子里给一所茅舍盖屋顶。剑桥国际They've got a weekend cottage in Sussex.他们在苏塞克斯郡有一个度周末假期的茅舍剑桥国际

