
单词 竖直的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔erectile〕Capable of being raised to an upright position.可竖直的:可以被抬升到竖直位置的美国传统〔erect〕For a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression.对于狗来说, 竖直的尾巴暗示着进攻。外研社新世纪〔erect〕To fix in an upright position.使直立,使竖立:使固定于一个竖直的位置美国传统〔gatepost〕An upright post on which a gate is hung or against which it closes.门柱:一竖直的柱子,在其上有一大门,或一大门朝此方向关闭美国传统〔gate〕Sports A passage between two upright poles through which a skier must go in a slalom race.【体育运动】 路径:位于两竖直的杆之间的一通道,滑雪运动员在障碍滑雪赛中必须通过美国传统〔grain〕We chose mahogany because of its rich tones and strong vertical grain.我们选择桃花心木是因为它底色鲜艳, 竖直的纹路清晰可见。外研社新世纪〔grain〕You notice at once that the grain of the rock is vertical.你会马上发现岩石的纹路是竖直的外研社新世纪〔harelip〕A congenital deformity characterized by a vertical cleft or pair of clefts in the upper lip.兔唇,豁嘴:一种上唇出现竖直的裂缝或两条裂缝的先天性畸形美国传统〔jamb〕One of a pair of vertical posts or pieces that together form the sides of a door, window frame, or fireplace, for example.侧柱:合在一起组成门、窗框或壁炉等的两侧的一对竖直的柱子或木条中的一个美国传统〔plinth〕The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening.勒脚:在踢脚板和通道周围竖直的镶边装饰相交处的底板美国传统〔plumb〕When you hang a door, you need to make sure that it is both level and plumb.装门的时候,必须保证门是横平竖直的剑桥高阶〔repeat〕A sign usually consisting of two vertical dots, indicating a passage to be repeated.反复记号:通常有两个竖直的附点组成的记号,指示应重复的节段美国传统〔snow fence〕Temporary fencing composed of thin upright slats wired together, used to prevent snow from drifting onto walks or roads.防雪栅栏:用细的、竖直的并缠在一起的条板构成的临时栅栏,用来阻挡雪掉入人行道或道路上去美国传统〔standing〕Remaining upright; erect.保持直立的;竖直的美国传统〔standpipe〕A large vertical pipe into which water is pumped in order to produce a desired pressure.管体式水塔:用来产生一定压力的竖直的大水塔美国传统〔table〕An article of furniture supported by one or more vertical legs and having a flat horizontal surface.桌子:一件家具,由一根或多根竖直的桌腿来支撑,并具有一个平坦的表面美国传统〔trimetrogon〕A system of aerial photography in which one vertical and two oblique photographs are simultaneously taken for use in topographic mapping.三镜头航空测绘系统:一种航空测绘系统,用于地形绘图中,可同时拍摄一张竖直的和两张倾斜的照片美国传统

