
单词 退回
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕You have a right to return any shoddy goods you might buy. 如果买到劣质商品,你有权将它退回朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances. 购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The fee will be refunded upon presentation of the receipt. 出示收据就能退回这笔费用。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕Her story was sent back with a curt rejection note. 她写的故事连同一张简慢的退稿短笺被退回来了。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕If there is a problem with the computer, you can return it to the store. 如果电脑有问题,你可以把它退回商店。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The dress was too big, so I took it back. 这件连衣裙太大了,所以我把它退回去了。朗文写作活用〔addressee〕The addressee no longer lives here, so I've returned the letter to the post office.那位收信人已经搬走了,于是我把信件退回到邮局。韦氏高阶〔address〕The letter was returned because it had been addressed incorrectly.由于地址不对,信件被退回了。韦氏高阶〔always〕If it doesn't fit, you can always take it back.要是它不合适,你总还可以把它退回去嘛。牛津高阶〔anaplastic〕Of or characterized by cells that have become less differentiated.退行发育术的:细胞退回到未变异状态的或有其特征的美国传统〔ask〕We ask that any faulty goods be returned in their original packaging.我们要求凡有质量问题的货物都装回原包装内退回剑桥高阶〔blemish〕Every piece is closely scrutinised, and if there is the slightest blemish on it, it is rejected.每一件物品都经过严格检查,稍有瑕疵就会被退回柯林斯高阶〔bounce〕He bounced a 100-dollar check at the grocery store.他在杂货店开了张100美元的空头支票,这张支票因无法兑现而被退回韦氏高阶〔bounce〕Her cheque has bounced.她的支票被拒付而退回21世纪英汉〔bounce〕His bank wrongly bounced cheques worth £75,000.他的开户行误将票面金额为75,000英镑的支票拒付退回了。外研社新世纪〔bounce〕His cheque has bounced.他的支票被拒付退回英汉大词典〔bounce〕I tried to send you an e-mail but it bounced.我曾试图给你发电子邮件,但是被退回来了。韦氏高阶〔bounce〕She gave me a check for 20 dollars, but the check bounced, and I never got the money.她给了我一张20美元的支票,但那支票被拒付退回了,所以我没拿到钱。韦氏高阶〔bounce〕To my disappointment the bank bounced the cheque.令我失望的是,银行居然拒付并退回那张支票。21世纪英汉〔change〕The balance of money returned when an amount given is more than what is due.找头:当付款超过应付值时退回的钱美国传统〔cheque〕He bounced three cheques last month.上个月他退回了 3 张支票。牛津搭配〔cheque〕The cheque will bounce if your salary doesn't reach your account today.如果你的工资今天不到账的话,支票就要被退回了。牛津搭配〔claim〕You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。牛津高阶〔clock〕The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years.新的审查制度将使社会倒退回 50 年前的状态。牛津高阶〔count〕He withdrew to his office to count the money.他退回到办公室去数钱。外研社新世纪〔credit〕If damaged items have to be returned, the manufacturer may issue a credit note.损坏的商品如需退回厂家,厂家可开具欠条。牛津搭配〔credit〕The store credited his account with ten dollars (或 credited ten dollars to his account) when he returned the shirt.商店在他退回衬衫时,在他账户的贷方记入10元。英汉大词典〔damage〕Please return any items that are damaged during shipping.请将所有运输中受损的物品退回韦氏高阶〔dark age〕The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.教育部长指责教师们想要退回到愚昧时代的想法。外研社新世纪〔defective〕Retailers can return defective merchandise.零售商可退回残次商品。外研社新世纪〔defective〕Retailers can return defective merchandise.零售商可以退回有缺陷的商品。柯林斯高阶〔deposit〕If you return that empty soda can, you'll get back the five-cent deposit you paid when you bought the soda.如果退回空汽水罐,你可拿回买汽水时交的五分押金。韦氏高阶〔despondent〕His work was rejected again and again, and he grew more and more despondent.他的作品一次又一次被退回,他越来越泄气了。牛津搭配〔draw shot〕A billiards shot in which the cue ball is struck below center so that it draws back from the object ball after impact.打缩球:台球的一种打法,使台球后旋,在碰到赛球后又退回美国传统〔drive in〕First,drive in the outlying men and then attack the whole enemy force.首先,迫使外围士兵退回大本营,然后再袭击整个敌营。21世纪英汉〔escape〕Press escape to get back to the menu.按 Esc 键,退回到选单。牛津高阶〔faulty〕I returned the shirt because it was faulty.我把那件衬衫退回去了, 因为它有瑕疵。外研社新世纪〔go〕This toaster will have to go back(= be taken back to the shop/store where it was bought)—it's faulty.这烤面包机得退回去,它有毛病。牛津高阶〔hassle〕I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth (all) the hassle.我应该把它退回商店,但我认为不值得这么麻烦。剑桥高阶〔kick〕The thief kicked back the wallet but kept the money.那个窃贼退回了钱包,但把钱拿走了。英汉大词典〔non-returnable〕Please send this form back with a non-returnable deposit of £60.请寄回本表格,并附上 60 英镑不能退回的订金。朗文当代〔nonrefundable〕Reservations must be made sixty days in advance with a $20 nonrefundable deposit.必须提早60天预定,并付20美元不能退回的定金。英汉大词典〔position〕The defensive players fell back into position.防守队员退回原位。韦氏高阶〔present〕A cheque presented by Mr Jackson was returned by the bank.银行退回了杰克逊先生提交的支票。牛津高阶〔recede〕The water receded back to its mysterious depths.水退回到神秘的深处。牛津搭配〔reclaim〕Have you calculated how much tax you can reclaim? 你计算过可以退回多少税款吗?麦克米伦高阶〔reclaim〕You'll be able to reclaim the tax on all equipment that you buy.你们采购所有设备所付的税款以后都可以退回剑桥高阶〔regorge〕The waters regorged.水退回去了。英汉大词典〔regression〕Contact sports such as football and boxing allow a temporary regression into primitive aggression.身体接触的运动项目,例如足球和拳击,容许人们暂时退回原始性的攻击。英汉大词典〔regression〕Psychology Reversion to an earlier or less mature pattern of feeling or behavior.【心理学】 回归:退回到较早的或较不成熟的感情或行为方式美国传统〔regression〕Relapse to a less perfect or developed state.后退:退回到不完美或较不发达的状态美国传统〔regress〕The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency.病人退回到像小孩一样依赖他人。朗文当代〔regress〕To go back; move backward.退回;回归美国传统〔regress〕To have a tendency to approach or go back to a statistical mean.退步:接近或退回到一个统计方式的美国传统〔regress〕To return to a previous, usually worse or less developed state.退回到以前的,通常是更差的或较不发达的状态美国传统〔rejection slip〕A printed note accompanying a manuscript rejected for publication and returned to the author.退稿附条:附在被拒绝发表并退回给作者的手稿中的打印条美国传统〔rejection〕After many rejections, her novel was finally accepted for publication.投稿多次被退回后,她的小说最终得以出版。韦氏高阶〔rejection〕The publisher's rejection of his manuscript depressed him.出版社将他的书稿退回,这使他感到沮丧。英汉大词典〔reject〕Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.我们严把质量关,不完美的物件都被退回牛津高阶〔reject〕Many publishers rejected the manuscript.很多出版商都退回了这部手稿。外研社新世纪〔relapse〕A falling back into a former state, especially after apparent improvement.重陷:退回到以前的状况,尤其是取得很明显的改善以后美国传统〔repeated〕Mr Lawssi apparently did not return the money, despite repeated reminders.尽管被提醒了很多次,劳西先生显然没有把钱退回来。柯林斯高阶〔replace〕To pay back or return; refund.偿还,归还;退回美国传统〔retire〕To move back or away; recede.后退:退回或移开;后退美国传统〔retreat〕The elephants retreated to the safety of the forest.大象退回到安全的森林里。麦克米伦高阶〔return〕He began working on his salesman samples, sorting out broken packages and returns.他开始整理他那些推销货样,把包装破损的和退回来的拣出来。英汉大词典〔return〕I had to return the shirt and get a bigger size.我得退回这件衬衫,买件大一码的。韦氏高阶〔return〕The undelivered letter has been returned to the sender.那封无法投递的信已退回给发信人了。英汉大词典〔return〕We had to return the hairdryer to the st ore because it was faulty.我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。牛津高阶〔reversion〕The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.采用新工序被视为是开历史倒车,是退回到那种效率低下的老路上去。剑桥高阶〔sender〕He wrote “return to sender” on the package.他在包裹上写上“退回寄件人”的字样。韦氏高阶〔slap〕We felt it was a slap in the face when our gift was returned unopened.我们送的礼物被原封退回时,我们感到这是对我们莫大的侮辱。英汉大词典〔soft〕He sent back the play with soft words.他婉言退回了那个剧本。英汉大词典〔suspect〕The firm has taken out adverts in national newspapers to urge customers to return suspect products.该公司在全国性的报纸上登出广告,催促顾客退回疑似假冒产品。柯林斯高阶〔take ... back〕He was not satisfied with the tape recorder,so he took it back to the store.他对这台录音机不满意,所以他把它退回了商店。21世纪英汉〔take back〕If you bought any of these toys, take them back to the store for a full refund.如购买了此类玩具,请退回商店并可全额退款。韦氏高阶〔the dark ages〕This repressive law takes gay rights back to the dark ages.这部高压法律使同性恋者享有的权利又退回到了那些落后封闭的年代。剑桥高阶〔turn〕Tickets may be turned in at the box office.票可以在售票处退回英汉大词典〔undelivered〕If undelivered please return to sender.未能送达时请退回寄件者。文馨英汉〔unopened〕The letter was returned unopened.信被原封不动地退回了。牛津高阶〔warning〕Warning bells began to ring(= it was a sign that sth was wrong)when her letters were returned unopened.当她的信原封不动被退回时,不祥之感就来了。牛津高阶〔wind back〕Please wind the videtape back a little way; I want to see that bit again.请将录像带退回一点,我想再看看那一部分。21世纪英汉〔wipe ... out〕Please wipe the bottles out before you return them.退回瓶子前请把里边擦干净。21世纪英汉〔wrong〕If there's something wrong with it, take it back to the shop.如果它有什么问题,可以退回给商店。麦克米伦高阶A cheque presented by Mr Jones was returned by the bank.银行退回了琼斯先生提交的支票。牛津商务A man appeared at the window, then stepped back into the shadows.一名男子在窗口出现,然后退回到黑暗中。剑桥国际Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers.不合格商品应退回原厂。牛津商务I am afraid your cheque bounced (= was not paid by your bank because there was not enough money in your account). 我担心你的支票会被银行退回牛津商务I don't like to make noises but this soup is cold--I'm going to send it back.不是我爱找麻烦,这汤冷了,我要把它退回去。剑桥国际I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth (all) the hassle.我应该把它退回商店,但我认为不值得为此麻烦。剑桥国际If it doesn't work, send it back to the maker.如果不能正常使用,就将其退回原厂。牛津商务If undelivered, please return to sender.若无法投递,请退回发信人。牛津商务If you show the receipt, there ought not to be any difficulty getting your money back.如果你出示发票,退回你的钱不该会有什么困难。剑桥国际It has been returned to the shop from whence it came.它已被退回到原来的商店里。剑桥国际Reverse logistics is big business as so many goods are returned for being faulty or unsuitable.由于许多商品有残缺或不适用被退回,逆向物流是一项大业务。牛津商务The cardigan is certainly exchangeable as long as you return it in good condition.只要你完好地把它退回,这件卡迪根式夹克衫是可以调换的。剑桥国际The goods were sent on approval and were later returned.所发送的货物是供试用的,以后可退回牛津商务The money already paid is irretrievable.已支付的钱是无法退回的。牛津商务To my horror the bank bounced the cheque.令我震惊的是银行拒付并退回了支票。剑桥国际We will issue you with a credit for any damaged goods that you return.我们会按你退回的损坏货物给你退款。牛津商务

