
单词 这星期
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Gemima's been off school with a tummy bug this week. 杰米玛这星期由于肚子不舒服而没有上课。朗文写作活用〔INVITE〕We have guests staying with us this week. 这星期我们有客人来住。朗文写作活用〔UNUSUAL〕This has been an exceptionally busy week. 这星期特别忙。朗文写作活用〔absentee〕There are several absentees from school this week, because a lot of people have flu.因为流感肆虐,这星期有几个学生缺课。剑桥高阶〔accomplish〕We didn't accomplish much at work this week.我们这星期在工作上没什么成就。麦克米伦高阶〔away〕Graham's away on holiday this week.格雷厄姆这星期出去度假了。麦克米伦高阶〔confinement〕Doctor Smith has attended six confinements this week.史密斯医生这星期已接生6次。英汉大词典〔cure〕The president and his advisors meet this week to discuss how to cure inflation.总统这星期要跟顾问见面讨论如何解决通货膨胀问题。剑桥高阶〔get around〕Spain last week and Germany this week - he gets around, doesn't he! 上星期去西班牙,这星期去德国——他可真叫周游列国啊,是不是!剑桥高阶〔hassle〕My boss has been giving me a lot of hassle this week.这星期老板给我找了很多麻烦事。剑桥高阶〔have〕They've got the builders in this week.这星期他们请来了建筑工人。麦克米伦高阶〔hint〕Officials are hinting at the possibility of signing an agreement this week.官员们暗示这星期可能会签署协议。麦克米伦高阶〔hop〕The shipping department is hopping this week.这星期航运部门紧张忙碌美国传统〔later〕The dentist could fit you in later in the week.牙医会把你安排在这星期的晚些时候就诊。朗文当代〔mainline〕She is mainlining wine this week.这星期她狂饮葡萄酒。21世纪英汉〔movie〕What's on/showing at the movies this week? 这星期电影院有什么电影上映?剑桥高阶〔next〕He is coming this next weekend.他这星期周末就要来了。英汉大词典〔night shift〕She's on the night shift this week.她这星期上夜班。朗文当代〔night〕I can't afford to have another late night this week.这星期我再熬夜可吃不消了。英汉大词典〔night〕Phil is working nights this week.菲尔这星期上夜班。麦克米伦高阶〔offer〕The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week.领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。美国传统〔on〕Max's on holiday this week.马丁这星期在度假。剑桥高阶〔out of〕Professor Aitchison is out of town this week.艾奇逊教授这星期不在城里。剑桥高阶〔par〕Your work is not up to par this week.你这星期的工作没有达到标准。英汉大词典〔payday〕Is this Friday a payday? 这星期五是发薪日吗?韦氏高阶〔play〕My knee's been playing me up this week.这星期我的膝盖一直不舒服。朗文当代〔post〕I must post (off) all my Christmas cards this week.我必须在这星期把所有的圣诞卡寄出。英汉大词典〔preempt〕Discussion of the water shortage will preempt the other topics on this week's agenda.在这星期日程表上关于用水短缺的讨论将优先于其它议题美国传统〔rinky-dink〕Let's go see what sort of rinky-dink the Salvation Army has this week.咱们去看看这星期救世军有什么旧货出售。英汉大词典〔short〕I'm a little short (= I do not have much money) this week - could you lend me ten dollars? 我这星期钱有点儿不够用——能借我10美元吗?剑桥高阶〔show〕What film are they showing this week? 这星期他们放映什么电影?英汉大词典〔spend〕I can't afford to spend any more money this week.这星期我没有能力花更多的钱了。朗文当代〔star〕My stars say that I'm going to have a bad week.我的星象说我这星期很糟糕。麦克米伦高阶〔stay〕I'll stay the week out.我将呆过这星期英汉大词典〔stay〕My mother is staying with us this week.我母亲这星期来我们家住。朗文当代〔stay〕My wife's mother is staying with us this week.我岳母这星期与我们住在一起。 英汉大词典〔telling-off〕I've already had one telling-off from Dad this week.这星期我已经被爸爸训斥过一次了。朗文当代〔thing〕I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.对不起,我的任务没完成。主要原因是我这星期有许多其他工作要做。牛津高阶〔this〕We'll be seeing Malcolm this Friday (=on Friday of the present week) .这星期五我们要去看马尔科姆。朗文当代〔time〕OK, everyone, time's up for this week.好了,各位,这星期的就到这里。剑桥高阶〔turn〕Shirts are turning well this week.这星期衬衫很易脱手。英汉大词典〔wash〕She has a large (或 heavy) wash this week.这星期她要洗许多衣物。 英汉大词典〔week〕I can't see you this week .我这星期不能见你。朗文当代All of our sectionals, love seats and sofas are on sale this week.这星期,我们所有的组合家具以及鸳鸯椅、沙发等都将减价出售。剑桥国际Annie's such a dear--she's brought me breakfast in bed every morning this week.安妮真好----这星期她每天都把早餐送到我床边。剑桥国际Barbara is out of town on business this week.芭芭拉这星期因公出差。剑桥国际He's phoned me (up) every day this week.这星期他每天打电话给我。剑桥国际Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week. 这星期她伤口一直很疼。译典通I can't see you this week -- I'm under pressure to get this report finished.我这星期没法见你----我必须把这篇报告写完。剑桥国际I have a busy timetable this week.我这星期的时间安排得很紧。牛津商务I kinda hoped we'd be able to meet up some time this week.我有点儿希望我们这星期什么时候能见面。剑桥国际I paid for last week's shopping and you paid for this week's, so let's call it quits (=agree not to owe each other anything).我付上星期买东西的费用,你付这星期的,这样我们就两不相欠了。剑桥国际I'm afraid I'm very busy this week so I can't see you.我恐怕这星期会很忙,不能见你。剑桥国际I'm afraid I've rather neglected the house this week so it's a bit of a mess.我想这星期我忽略了整理屋子,它显得有点乱。剑桥国际I'm afraid this week's essay was not up to par.很遗憾这星期的文章未达到标准。剑桥国际I'm very busy this week but I could squeeze you in (= see you briefly) at 2.30 on Tuesday.我这星期很忙但我能挤出时间在星期二下午2点30见你。剑桥国际I've been (feeling) a bit down this week, especially after my team lost to Spurs.这星期我 有点不高兴,特别是在我们队输给了“马刺队”后。剑桥国际I've got a deal (of work) to do this week.这星期我有很多事要做。剑桥国际I've got something on this Tuesday but I'm free on Wednesday.这星期二我有活动,不过星期三我有空。剑桥国际It doesn't have to be done this minute (= now), but if you've got a free moment at some point this week you could finish it then.不必现在就完成它,但是如果你这星期有空闲的时间,你可以在那时完成它。剑桥国际It has come to/been brought to my notice (= I have been told) that you have been late for work every day this week.我被告知这星期你每天都迟到。剑桥国际It's been a week of complete frenzy.这星期完全是在狂乱中度过的。剑桥国际It's no wonder you're tired--you've been out every night this week.怪不得你很累了,这星期你每天晚上都出去。剑桥国际Martin's on holiday this week.马丁这星期在度假。剑桥国际My boss has been giving me a lot of hassle this week.这星期我老板给了我许多麻烦。剑桥国际My mother-in-law is staying with us this week. 我岳母这星期同我们住在一起。译典通Our takings were down this week because the weather was so bad.由于天气很糟糕,我们这星期的收入下降了。剑桥国际Our typist is away on holiday this week. 我们的打字员这星期外出度假去了。译典通Poor Fred's had more than his fair share of trouble (= more than he expected or deserved) this week.可怜的弗雷德这星期不该有这么多麻烦。剑桥国际Spain last week and Germany this week--he gets around/about (= goes to many places) doesn't he! 上星期是西班牙,这星期是德国----他跑的地方可真多,不是吗?剑桥国际The football club pulled off their first away win of the season this Saturday.这星期六这个足球俱乐部赢得了他们本赛季的第一次客场胜利。剑桥国际The self-same car has been parked outside three times this week.同一辆轿车这星期曾三次停在外面。剑桥国际The sheep are lambing this week. 绵羊这星期要生小羊。译典通The weather was good at the start (= in the first part) of the week.这星期开始天气很好。剑桥国际The weather's been gloriously (= giving great pleasure) sunny this week.这星期的天气晴朗宜人。剑桥国际There's 40% off this week on all winter coats.这星期所有冬天穿的大衣都打六折。剑桥国际These are the tasks cut out for this week. 这些是安排在这星期做的工作。译典通They sold twenty head of cattle (=twenty cattle) this week.这星期他们卖了二十头牛。剑桥国际They're thatching a cottage in the village this week.他们这星期在村子里给一所茅舍盖屋顶。剑桥国际They've been tarring the roads this week.这星期他们一直在用柏油铺路。剑桥国际This week a documentary exposed the current plague of cockroaches in inner-city tower blocks.这星期一个纪录片揭露了市内高楼区目前蟑螂成灾。剑桥国际We had the boat out (=went out in the boat) for the first time this week.这星期我们第一次划船出游。剑桥国际We were supposed to have gone away this week, but Debbie's ill so we couldn't go.这星期我们本该走的,但是戴比病了我们走不开。剑桥国际You've broken your promise, Dad -- you said you'd take me swimming this week and you haven't! 你违背了诺言,爸爸----你说这星期带我去游泳的,但你没有。剑桥国际

