
单词 载体
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cosmid〕A hybrid vector that has been spliced with plasmid DNA for cloning large genes or gene fragments.黏粒,装配型质粒:为合成的遗传媒介,结合克隆大基因或大基因碎片的质粒脱氧核糖核酸载体美国传统〔data carrier〕A medium, such as magnetic tape, that is selected to record and often transport or communicate data.数据载体:一种如磁带的介质,被选择用于记录数据,并常用来传送或交流数据美国传统〔discharge〕Elimination of net electric charge from a charged body.排电:从电载体中消除网状电荷美国传统〔format〕His latest album is available on all formats.他的最新专辑有各种载体形式。柯林斯高阶〔hapten〕A substance that reacts with a specific antibody but cannot induce the formation of antibodies unless bound to a carrier protein or other molecule.半抗原,不全抗原:一种对某种特定的抗体起反应但除非被限制于蛋白质载体或其他分子之中, 否则不能导致抗体的构成的物质美国传统〔iodophor〕A substance consisting of iodine and a solubilizing agent that releases free iodine when in solution.碘递体;碘载体:含有碘和一种溶解质的物,能在溶液中释放出游离状态的碘美国传统〔ionophore〕Any of a group of organic compounds that facilitate the transport of ions across the cell membrane.离子载体:为离子穿越细胞膜提供运输载体的一组有机化合物中的任何一种美国传统〔lake〕A pigment consisting of organic coloring matter with an inorganic, usually metallic base or carrier, used in dyes, inks, and paints.色淀:一种由有机颜料物质同无机的通常是金属的底基或载体合成的色素沉淀,用于制作染料、墨水和油漆美国传统〔lethal〕Milk, improperly handled, is a lethal carrier of bacteria.牛奶若处理不当会成为危险的细菌载体英汉大词典〔load〕A device or the resistance of a device to which power is delivered.载体:承受力量的装置或装置的抗力美国传统〔low water〕The lowest level of water in a body of water, such as a river, lake, or reservoir.低水位线:载体(比如河流,湖泊或水库)的最低水位美国传统〔propellant〕A compressed inert gas, such as a fluorocarbon, that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol container.压缩气体:被压缩的惰性气体,比如碳氟化合物,这种气体充当喷撒器中物质的载体美国传统〔sideband〕Either of the two bands of frequencies, one just above and one just below a carrier frequency, that result from modulation of a carrier wave.边(频)带:两个频率带之中的任何一个,一个恰好高于且另一个恰好低于载体的频率,因载体的电波调制造成的美国传统〔star〕The movie was nothing more than a star vehicle for Tom Hanks.这部电影不过是汤姆・汉克斯展现其明星魅力的载体牛津搭配Some aircraft are designed to carry bulky freight or vehicles. 有些飞机设计得能运载体积大的货物或车辆。译典通

