
单词 看清楚
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACROSS〕Before you cross, make sure there are no other cars coming. 过马路之前要看清楚没有其他车辆开来。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕It's hard to see the stage from here. 从这里很难看清楚舞台。朗文写作活用〔LIST〕Make sure the bill you receive is itemized and shows the individual price of each job that has been done. 要看清楚你收到的账单是逐项开列的,每一项工作都分别标明收费。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕When you're overtaking, make sure there's nothing coming the other way. 超车的时候一定要看清楚对面没有车驶过来。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Hold it up to the light so I can get a proper look at it. 把它拿到灯下来,让我看清楚些。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕I didn't get a close look at the driver, but I think he was middle-aged. 我没有看清楚那司机,不过我想他是个中年人。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕I don't think I could identify him. I didn't really get a good look. 我想我认不出他,我当时没有好好看清楚他。朗文写作活用〔attacker〕She didn't really see her attacker.她没有看清楚袭击她的人。牛津高阶〔can〕Can you read that sign from this distance? 你从这么远的距离能看清楚那标牌上的东西吗?剑桥高阶〔close〕I couldn't get close enough to see.我无法靠得很近去看清楚牛津高阶〔crane〕She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage.她伸长了脖子看舞台,好看清楚些。牛津高阶〔die〕I nearly died when I saw it was my ex-husband! 当看清楚原来是我前夫时,我尴尬极了!朗文当代〔distinguish〕You can't distinguish the detail from this distance.从这个距离你没法看清楚细节。韦氏高阶〔expense〕He's bought a big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly.他花大价钱买了一台特别大的电视机, 这样每个人都能看清楚外研社新世纪〔expense〕He's bought a specially big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly.他花大价钱买了一台特别大的电视机,这样每个人都能看清楚柯林斯高阶〔eyeful〕Then she bent over and gave him an eyeful of her tattoos.接着她弯下身子,让他好好看清楚她的文身。柯林斯高阶〔far point〕The farthest point at which an object can be seen distinctly by the eye.视远点:眼睛能够看清楚物体的最远点美国传统〔flare〕The torch in his left hand spluttered and flared, making it difficult to see his face clearly.他左手里的火把噼啪作响、明暗不定, 很难看清楚他的脸。外研社新世纪〔focus〕His eyes slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball.他的眼睛慢慢开始看清楚那个看上去像是个小黑球的东西。柯林斯高阶〔focus〕It took a while for my eyes to focus in the dim light of the cave.在洞内暗淡的光线下,过了一会儿我才逐渐看清楚麦克米伦高阶〔focus〕Let your eyes focus on objects that are further away from you.睁大眼睛看清楚离你较远的物体。牛津高阶〔focus〕She blinked and tried to focus.她眨了眨眼睛试图让自己看清楚牛津搭配〔hard〕You should take a long hard look at the issues before committing yourself.你在表态之前要看清楚这些问题。朗文当代〔indiscernible〕The path was almost indiscernible in the mist.小路在雾中几乎无法看清楚朗文当代〔lean forward〕He leaned his head forward to get a better view.他把头向前倾想看清楚一点。21世纪英汉〔lighten〕As the sky lightened , we were able to see where we were.天色渐亮,我们能看清楚身处何地了。朗文当代〔marking〕Road markings have even been readable through snow.道路标识即使在雪天也可以看清楚外研社新世纪〔sharp〕The pictures were so sharp that you could see every detail.这些照片非常清晰, 可以看清楚每一处细节。外研社新世纪〔shove〕The crowd was pushing and shoving to get a better view.人群挤来挤去,想看清楚一点儿。牛津搭配〔simply〕Some students lose marks simply because they don't read the question properly.有些学生丢分只是因为没有看清楚题目。朗文当代〔slow motion〕This can be seen easily with the benefit of slow motion video playback.借助于慢镜头的回放,可以很容易地看清楚这个过程。柯林斯高阶〔trip〕Read the questions carefully, because the examiners sometimes try to trip you up.要仔细把问题看清楚,因为出卷人有时故意让你出错。牛津高阶〔view〕He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard.他站了起来, 想看清楚黑板上的内容。外研社新世纪〔window〕The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope.从信封的透明窗必须能够看清楚地址。牛津高阶He made sure that the rope was tight. 他看清楚绳子是否拉紧了。译典通He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them.在我还没来得及看清楚的时候,他就一把抢走了我手中的照片。剑桥国际In the first few weeks after birth, the infant is not able to see properly objects that are more than a few centimetres away.在出生后的前几个星期里,婴儿无法看清楚几公分以外的物体。剑桥国际Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting to climb down it.先看清楚绳子是系结实了再作打算往下爬。剑桥国际Stain the cell tissues before putting them under the microscope so that they can be seen clearly.在把细胞组织放到显微镜下前先给它们染色,这样它们就能被看清楚剑桥国际The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope.地址必须能够从信封的窗口处看清楚牛津商务The width of the computer screen makes the words easier to read.计算机开阔的屏幕使得单词更容易看清楚剑桥国际

