
单词 生趣
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blue〕Hospitality cured my blues, and my journey was kept alive.友好殷勤去除了我的忧郁,旅程中依然生趣盎然。英汉大词典〔colourless〕It is a rather grey, colourless city, with few interesting sights.这是一个灰暗、了无生趣的城市,有趣的景点寥寥无几。剑桥高阶〔pallid〕This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.本该是出精彩的芭蕾舞,却被演绎得了无生趣剑桥高阶〔zest〕The love affair added a little zest to her life.这次恋爱给她的生活增添了些许生趣牛津搭配It's wonderful to see the children's zest for life.看到孩子们生趣真好。剑桥国际

