
单词 结果失败了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔efficiency〕We have failed to improve fuel efficiency standards.我们试图提升燃料效能,结果失败了牛津搭配〔eventuate in〕Our business eventuated in a failure.我们的生意结果失败了21世纪英汉〔finish in〕The marriage finished in failure.婚姻结果失败了21世纪英汉〔gamble〕The company gambled and lost, and 250 jobs had to go.公司冒了一下险, 结果失败了, 必须裁掉250个岗位。外研社新世纪〔liquidate〕The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.政府试图肃清反叛运动,结果失败了牛津高阶〔peddle〕His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.他试图在伦敦小画廊里兜售自己的画, 结果失败了外研社新世纪The government held a vote of confidence and lost it because 30 MPs voted with the opposition.政府进行一次信任投票,结果失败了,因为有30名国会议员投了反对票。剑桥国际The plan ended in failure. 那项计划结果失败了译典通

