
词组 town
释义 town /taʊn/ SEE ALL
go to ˈtown (on/over sth) (informal) put a lot of money, energy, etc. into sth 花大钱做某事;拼命干某事When they give parties they really go to town (= spend a lot of money, invite a lot of people, etc.).
She decided to go to town and redecorate all the rooms in the house.
(out) on the ˈtown ( a night (out) on the ˈtown/on the ˈtiles) (informal) visiting restaurants, clubs, theatres, etc. for entertainment, especially at night (尤指晚上)去娱乐场所消遣For a birthday treat they took him out on the town.
The students went for a night on the tiles after the last exam.
the only game in ˈtown (informal) the most important thing of a particular type, or the only thing that is available 同类中最重要的事物;唯一的选择When it comes to selling technology, our company is the only game in town.谈到出售技术,我们公司是行业内的老大。It may not be great, but right now it’s the only game in town.这或许不算太好,但眼下这是唯一的选择。a/the ˌman about ˈtowna man who frequently goes to fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc. 活跃于交际场所的人;社交界名人a one-horse ˈtown (informal) a small, boring town where nothing happens 偏僻沉闷的小镇The President likes to remind people that he grew up in a small one-horse town in the Midwest.总统总是喜欢提醒大家他来自一个偏僻沉闷的中西部小镇。paint the town ˈred (informal) go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy yourself 狂欢;痛饮作乐;花天酒地It was the end of term and students decided to go out and paint the town red.学期结束了,学生们决定出去尽情玩乐一番。

