
词组 colour
释义 colour
(BrE) (NAmE color) /ˈkʌlə(r)/ SEE ALL
off ˈcolour (informal) 1. (BrE) looking or feeling ill 气色不佳;身体不舒服I’m feeling a bit off colour this morning.
2. (especially NAmE) an off-colour joke is one that people think is rude, usually because it is about sex (笑话)粗鲁的,下流的,黄色的They describe their humor as suitable for the family, with nothing off-color.
see the ˌcolour of sb’s ˈmoney (BrE) (NAmE see the ˌcolor of sb’s ˈmoney) (informal) make sure that sb has enough money to pay you, especially if you think they might not have it 弄清某人是否有足够的支付能力I want to see the colour of his money before I start doing such a dangerous job for him.
lend ˈcolour to sth (BrE) (NAmE lend ˈcolor to sth) make sth seem probable 使看起来似有可能;增加了可信度The tracks outside the house lend colour to her claim that somebody tried to break in last night.她声称昨天夜里有人试图闯入,而屋外的足迹也令她的话显得更可信。

