
单词 inscribe
释义 inscribe, v.|ɪnˈskraɪb|
[ad. L. inscrībĕre to write in or upon, f. in- (in-2) + scrībĕre to write.]
1. trans. To write, mark, or delineate (words, a name, characters, etc.) in or on something; esp. so as to be conspicuous or durable, as on a monument, tablet, etc. (In quot. 1603, with upon in indirect passive = passive of sense 2.)
1552Huloet, Inscribe, inscribo, intitulo.1603B. Jonson King's Coron. Entertainm., In her hand she holds a sceptre..and in her lap a little globe, inscribed upon orbis britannicus.1665Manley Grotius' Low-C. Warres 795 He gave for his word, and inscribed on all his Ensigns this Motto, Jam aut nunquam, Now or never.1781Cowper Truth 28 Inscribed above the portal, from afar Conspicuous as the brightness of a star..Stand the soul-quickening words—Believe and live.1864J. Walker Faithf. Ministry 92 We raise the marble and inscribe the flattering epitaph.Mod. You must inscribe your name in the Visitors' Book.
fig.a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. i. ii. 62 Though there were no such [connatural principles] originally inscribed in the Mind.1828Webster, Inscribe..2. To imprint on; as, to inscribe any thing on the mind or memory.
b. To write or enter the name of (a person) upon an official document or list; to enroll.
1605B. Jonson Volpone i. Wks. (Rtldg.) 177/1 Am I inscribed his heir for certain?1803W. Taylor in Ann. Rev. I. 353 The French inscribe all their boys on the army-list, and compel every one who cannot raise five and twenty louis, to serve in their turn.1890Spectator 15 Feb., On Friday, 7th inst., the Duc d'Orléans, eldest son of the Comte de Paris..demanded to be inscribed on the list of conscripts under the Military Law.
c. Comm. To issue a state (or other) loan in the form of shares with registered holders: see inscribed 1 b.
1884Pall Mall G. 18 Aug. 5/2 In Colonial Government stocks, especially those inscribed in London, the rise was rather more than the average.
2. To mark (a surface, column, sheet, etc.) with writing or other characters, esp. in a durable or conspicuous way.
1637Milton Lycidas 106 Like to that sanguine flower inscribed with woe.1702Addison Dial. Medals ii. (Seager), There is a medal of Heliogabalus inscribed, ‘Fides exercitus’.1713Guard. No. 119 ⁋5 The two friends made a kind of dial-plate, inscribing it with the four and twenty letters.1805Wordsw. Prelude ii. 149 Though the rhymes were gone that once inscribed The threshold.1870Bryant Iliad I. vii. 220 Ajax..who had inscribed And laid it in the helmet.
b. To dedicate (a writing or work of art) to a person by a short inscription (placed at the beginning of a writing, or beneath a picture, etc.), less formal than an ordinary dedication.
1645Boate Irel. Nat. Hist. (1652) Ded. A v, I have made bold thus to address..you, and to inscribe this Work unto your Names, that it may see the light under your joint patronage.1709Swift Advancem. Relig. Wks. 1755 II. i. 96 The following papers..being inscribed to your ladyship.1751Johnson Rambler No. 136 ⁋9 An author may with great propriety inscribe his work to him by whose encouragement it was undertaken.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iii. I. 405 The patron to whom a work was inscribed was expected to reward the writer with a purse of gold.
3. Geom. To delineate or trace (a figure or line) within a figure, so that some particular points of it lie in the boundary or periphery of that figure.
An angular figure (polygon or polyhedron) is said to be inscribed in another figure when the angular points of the former lie in the bounding line or lines, or surface or surfaces, of the latter. A curved figure (plane or solid) is said to be inscribed in an angular figure when the former touches each of the bounding lines or surfaces of the latter. More rarely, a line is said to be inscribed in a figure when its extremities lie in the boundary of that figure.
1570Billingsley Euclid iv. Introd. 110 It teacheth how a triangle..may be inscribed within a circle.1571Digges Pantom., Geom. Solids Ee iij a, Either of bodyes inscribed or circumbscribed.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. iii. i. §14 When I conceive a Triangle inscribed in a square.a1696Scarburgh Euclid (1705) 165 Therefore in a given square a Circle has been inscribed.1827Hutton Course Math. I. 373 To inscribe a circle in a regular polygon.1885C. Leudesdorf Cremona's Proj. Geom. 185 To inscribe in a given conic a polygon whose sides pass..through given points.
4. Sc. Law. See inscrive.

