
单词 tristy
释义 I. ˈtristy, a.1 Obs.
Also 4 tristi, trysti, 4–5 trysty.
[f. trist a.1 + -y1.]
1. Trustful, confident: = trusty a. 1.
c1325Spec. Gy Warw. 477 Put al þin hope in god almiht, And tristi hope to him þou haue.1382Wyclif Prol. Bible iii. 4 This..shulde make men trysty in Goddis help.
2. Trustworthy, faithful: = trusty a. 2.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 763 If ten trysty in toune be tan in þi werkkez, Wylt þou mese þy mode & menddyng abyde?c1375Cursor M. 13365 (Fairf.) Þe bridegome dide þidder calle His maste tristi [Cott. specialiest] frendis alle.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 7806 Þai were tristy, and a bote bryng To lede þein his body.1483Cath. Angl. 393/2 Tristy, vbi trewe (A.).
b. Of things: Reliable; secure: = trusty a. 2 b.
13..Cast. Love (Halliw.) 690 On trysti [v.r. trusti] roche heo stondeth fast.1340–70Alisaunder 952 Till hee had take þe toune þat tristy was holde.c1350Will. Palerne 1147 Boþe partiȝes prestly a-paraylde hem..Of alle tristy a-tir þat to batayle longed.
II. ˈtristy, a.2 Obs.
Also 5 trysty.
[f. trist a.2 + -y1.]
Sad, sorrowful; in quot. 14.., dark or dull-coloured (= sad a. 8).
c1400Lydg. æsop's Fab. iii. 88 The sheepe condempned, tristy and pale of hewe.14..Epiph. in Tundale's Vis. (1843) 114 Ne forred with armyn nor with trysty gray.a1600in Ashm. Theat. Chem. (1652) 264 The King was tristy and heavy of cheere.

