
单词 unspeaking
释义 I. unˈspeaking, vbl. n.
(un-1 13.)
1860Ruskin Mod. Paint. V. 164 False speaking [is] unspeaking,—on the negative side of silence.
II. unˈspeaking, ppl. a.
[un-1 10. Cf. OE. unsprecende, OFris. unsprekand, MDu. onsprekende (obs. Du. onsprekend), OHG. unsprëchente (MHG. unsprëchende) in sense 2 (chiefly of children).]
1. Unspeakable, ineffable. Obs.—1
1340Ayenb. 266 Ich yzeȝ þe ilke onspekynde an[d] ontodelinde mageste of þe holy trinyte.
2. Not speaking; unable to speak. Also fig.
1382Wyclif Job xxxviii. 9 With clothis of vnspekende childhed.Ps. viii. 3 Of the mouth of vnspekende childer..thou performedist preising.1611Shakes. Cymb. v. v. 178 His description Prou'd vs vnspeaking sottes.1796E. Hamilton Lett. Hindoo Rajah (1811) II. 81 All was placid uniformity, and unspeaking regularity of feature.1811Shelley Mother & Son iii, The proofs of an unspeaking sorrow dwelt Within her ghastly hollowness of eye.1935E. Bowen House in Paris ii. iv. 129 Karen herself had more than once been the victim of that unspeaking smile.

