
单词 Efta
释义 Efta|ˈɛftə|
Also E.F.T.A., EFTA.
[f. the initials of European Free Trade Association.]
An economic alliance, on free trade principles, comprising the United Kingdom and several other European countries.
The United Kingdom ceased to be a member of Efta in 1972.
1959Cmnd. 906 5 in Parl. Papers 1959–60 XXIV. 21 The individual freedom of action of E.F.T.A. members in their external tariffs.1960Times Rev. Industry Dec. 4/2 European Free Trade Association (Efta).1961Economist 17 June 1252/3 Markets in which a decisive majority felt prospects were improving were EFTA, North America, the Common Market and the Communist block.1963Times 1 Feb. 13/5 Commercially we can mark our sense of unity with Europe by urging the Efta countries to join with us in inviting the E.E.C. to join the European Free Trade Area.

