
单词 sarpe
释义 I. sarpe1 Obs.
[a. OF. sarpe (mod.F. serpe), app. f. L. sarpĕre to prune.]
A pruning hook.
1388Wyclif 1 Sam. xiii. 20 That ech man schulde scharpe his schar, and picoise, and ax, and sarpe [1382 purgyng hook].Ibid., Isa. vii. 25 And alle hillis that schulen be purgid with a sarpe [1382 wode bil].1474Caxton Chesse iii. v. e ij, He ought to haue on his gyrdel a sarpe or crokyd hachet for to cutte of the superfluytees of the vignes.
II. sarpe2 Obs.
Also sarp, serpe.
[Of obscure origin.]
A collar, neck-ring of gold or silver.
1429Sc. Acts Jas. I (1814) II. 18/1 Ande at nane vthir weir broudry..bot aray þaim..in all vthir honest aray as serpis beltis vches & chenzeis.1438E.E. Wills (1882) 110 Item to Robert Greyndoor,..my Serpe of siluer and my cheyne of goold.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 46 He..tuke..a grete wreth of golde, callit a sarp be sum men, and put it about his hals.c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. vii. (1885) 125 Rich stones, serpes, bauderikes, and oþer juels.1470–85Malory Arthur xx. xiv. 822 Alle they were arayed in grene veluet with sarpys of gold about their quarters.c1485in Rutland Papers (Camden) 4 The King..arraied in a doblet of gren.., a long goune of purpur velwet,..with a riche sarpe and garter.1488Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scotl. (1877) I. 86 Memorandum:—fund in a blac coffre..It. the first, the grete sarpe of gold contenand xxv schaiffis with the fedder betuix.

