
单词 salaam
释义 I. salaam, n.|səˈlɑːm|
Also 7 salame, sallam, salema, salom, selame, 7–8 selam, 7–9 salam, 8 schalam, 8–9 salem.
[Arab. salām (hence in Pers. and Urdū) = Heb. shālōm peace.]
The Oriental salutation (as)salām (‭ﻋalaikum), Peace (be upon you). Hence applied to a ceremonious obeisance with which this salutation is accompanied, consisting (in India) of a low bowing of the head and body with the palm of the right hand placed on the forehead.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 546 He..presenteth himselfe to the people to receive their Salames or good morrow.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 113 Some of the bridemaids came out unto us, and after a Sallam or Congee began a Morisko.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 152 When they give one another the Selam, after the Prayer of Kouschlouk.1779Forrest Voy. N. Guinea 214 Tuan Hadjee got up, and, without making the ordinary selam, went abruptly out of the hall.1800Suppl. Chron. in Asiat. Ann. Reg. 152/2 On being informed that I was a Brahman, he made me some very respectful salems.1835Willis Pencillings II. xlvii. 65 We were received with a profusion of Salaams by the sultan's perfumer.1837Lett. fr. Madras (1843) 114 Good morning, sar: great chief, salam!1849E. E. Napier Excurs. S. Africa I. 287 After a long chat, I made my salaam, and went to inspect a most conspicuous object on a neighbouring height.1867‘Ouida’ Under Two Flags II. viii. 213 The Moor rose instantly, with profound salaams, before her.1892Kipling & Balestier Naulahka 181 ‘Salaam, Tarvin Sahib’, he murmured.
b. transf. Respectful compliments.
1786H. More Let. to Lady Middleton 14 June, Pray present my proper salams (is that spelt right?) to Mrs. Bouverie.1899Kipling Stalky 267 Rutton Singh sends his best salaams.
c. attrib. and Comb., as salaam-like adj.; salaam convulsion, -spasm, a form of convulsion incident to children and characterized by nodding of the head.
1850R. G. Cumming Hunter's Life S. Afr. xvii. II. 9 A ‘salaam-like’ movement of his trunk.1850Lancet I. 485 Eclampsia nutans of Mr. Newnham, or the ‘salaam convulsion’ of Sir Charles Clarke.1886Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. II. 287 Wry-neck, writer's cramp, spinal trepidation, salaam spasm.
II. salaam, v.|səˈlɑːm|
[f. prec.]
1. trans. To make a salaam to; to salute with a salaam; to offer salutations to.
1693T. Smith Obs. Constantinople in Coll. Cur. Trav. II. 71 They..take it ill to be salam'd or saluted by them.1718Ockley Saracens II. 182 Obeidollah appearing, Muslim did not Salàm or salute him.1837Lett. fr. Madras (1843) 111 Two rows of his own servants and ours, salaming him at every step.1892Kipling & Balestier Naulahka 199 He [sc. an ape] used to salaam me in the mornings like Luchman Rao, the prime minister.
2. intr. To make a salaam or obeisance.
1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 18 It being their Custom only to Salam, giving a bow with their Hands across their Breasts.1824Edin. Rev. XLI. 41 They salaamed to me with an air that said [etc.].1827D. Johnson Ind. Field Sports 139 He fell on the ground salaming (the most submissive obeisance).1852C. M. Yonge Cameos I. xxix. 249 Putting their hands to their brow, and salaaming down to the ground.1879Mrs. A. G. F. E. James Ind. Househ. Managem. 49 When he comes into the room he salaams profoundly.
Hence saˈlaaming vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1816‘Quiz’ Grand Master ii. 45 note, Salaming is the mode of salutation in India.1879Mrs. A. G. F. E. James Ind. Househ. Managem. 43 Hordes of respectfully salaaming natives from all parts of India.

