
单词 discontenting
释义 I. disconˈtenting, vbl. n.
[f. discontent v. + -ing1.]
The action of the verb discontent. (In quot. 1633, the cherishing or exhibition of discontent: cf. next, sense 2.)
1494Fabyan Chron. vi. clix. 149 Withoute consent or knowlege of..Lewes, and some deale to the discontentyng of his mynde.1593T. Watson Tears of Fancie v. Poems (Arb.) 181 Then Cupid..Vnto his mother vowd my discontenting.1633P. Fletcher Elisa ii. xi. Poet. Misc. 120 Religion blames impatient discontenting.
II. disconˈtenting, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. That discontents; causing discontent; displeasing, unpleasant (obs.); dissatisfying.
1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 25 That..which in the end..will be to you most discontenting.1645Milton Colast. Wks. (1851) 368 How unpleasing and discontenting the society of body must needs be between those whose mindes cannot bee sociable.1825Carlyle Schiller ii. (1845) 55 Literature is apt to form a dangerous and discontenting occupation.
2. Feeling or showing discontent. Obs.
1605Play Stucley 2050 in Simpson Sch. Shaks. (1878) I. 240 Leave such discontenting speech.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 543 And with my best endeauours..Your discontenting Father striue to qualifie.1613F. Robartes Reven. Gospel 115 That..not one sower looke, not one discontenting gesture be observed.

