
单词 tangling
释义 I. ˈtangling, vbl. n.1
[f. tangle v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of tangle v.1; complicated or confused intertwining; complication; contention.
[c1340: see tagle v.]1535St. Papers Hen. VIII, II. 272 Which had bene wele forwardes by this tyme, yf this wilful tangeling with OConour had not bene.1538in Lett. Suppress. Monasteries (Camden) 169 Many leasses grauntede oute by the olde prior,..with muche tangullyng and besines.a1633Austin Medit. (1635) 282 When wee thus let slip these heavenly Thred Lines..wee fall to tangling, tying, and knitting.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1809) 289 The silk skeins are tied to prevent tangling.
b. concr. pl. Things that tangle or entangle.
1575Turberv. Venerie 138 Me thinkes I see the Toyle, the tanglings and the stall Which are prepared and set full sure, to compasse me withall.1591Percival Sp. Dict., Cazcarias, tanglings about chickins feete.1904Daily News 26 Nov. 6/8 Clinging tanglings of the thorny briar.
II. tangling, vbl. n.2
see tangle v.2
III. ˈtangling, ppl. a.
[f. tangle v.1 + -ing2.]
That tangles, in various senses of the verb.
a1586Sidney Ps. xxv. x, This Lord..will set free My feet from tangling net.1667Milton P.L. iv. 176 The under⁓growth Of shrubs and tangling bushes.1756H. Jones Earl of Essex 17 Amidst thy tangling snares involv'd.1801Bloomfield Rural T., Walter & Jane 115 When to these tangling thoughts I've been resigned.
Hence ˈtanglingly adv., in a tangling manner.
1847in Webster.

