
单词 gormandize
释义 I. gormandize, n.|ˈgɔːməndaɪz|
Forms: 5 gromandise, gormandyse, 6 gourmandice, 6–7 gourmandize, -yse, 6–7 gurman-, -mon-, -mundise, -ize, -yse, 6–9 gormandise, 6– gormandize, gourmandise.
[ad. F. gourmandise, f. gourmand.]
a. Excessive and voracious eating; gluttony (obs.).
b. The habits, tastes, or perceptions characteristic of a gourmand; indulgence or connoisseurship in ‘good eating’. Now chiefly as an alien word (spelt gourmandise).
a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 115 Excesse and gromandise in etyng and drinkinge werithe ayenst the body and the soule.1533Elyot Cast. Helthe ii. i. (1541) 16 b, Forseene alwaye that they eate without gourmandyse.1566Drant Horace, Sat. i. v. C v b, Gurmundyse is fellow⁓shyp, for so the worlde it calls.1663Bp. Patrick Parab. Pilgr. xxxii. (1668) 389 If it be but sanctified with a Sermon, Gourmandise is innocent in their account.1721in Bailey.1814Byron Let. to Moore 9 Apr., All this gormandise was in honour of Lent.1833Macaulay in Trevelyan Life & Lett. I. v. 336, I am to dine on Thursday with the Fishmongers' Company, the first Company for gourmandise in the world.1849Thackeray Pendennis I. xx. 185 While the reckless young Amphitryon delighted to show his hospitality and skill in gourmandise.1870R. Broughton Red as Rose I. 289 Not that this right-hand neighbour labours under any excessive gourmandise.1879C. M. Yonge Cameos Ser. iv. xxiii. 250 He followed his life⁓long passion; not merely for gormandize, but for gluttony.
II. gormandize, v.|ˈgɔːməndaɪz|
Forms: 6 gourmandice, -yse, 6–7 gurmandize, 7–9 gourmandise, -ize, (7 go(u)rmondise, -ize, gor-, gurmundize), 7– gormandize.
[f. gormandize n.]
1. intr. To eat like a glutton; to feed voraciously.
1548Elyot Dict. s.v. Cibus, Ingurgitare se cibis,..to gourmandyse to eate vnmoderately.1596Shakes. Merch. V. ii. v. 3 Thou shalt not gurmandize As thou hast done with me.1628Wither Brit. Rememb. vi. 1565 Like hungry Curres, some alwayes gurmandize.1693Congreve in Dryden's Juvenal (1697) 284 If mod'rate Fare and Abstinence, I prize In publick, yet in private Gormondize.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1852) II. 485 The rich gormandized upon their dainties.1802Bingley Anim. Biog. (1813) I. 97 Their [monkeys'] eyes..painted their inquietude, their passion to gormandize.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xvi. (1856) 124 Gormandizing on the blubber of our game.
2. trans. To devour greedily, to gobble up, to take in eagerly. lit. and fig.
1603H. Crosse Vertues Commw. (1878) 88 To gurmandize and waste in excesse the good blessings of God.1603Drayton Bar. Wars vi. xxiii. 130 The pamper'd stomack..Casts vp the surfeit lately gurmundiz'd.1626T. H[awkins] Caussin's Holy Crt. 18 Meere bankrupts, who have allready gourmandized theyr Nobility.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. 205, I lament that..their livings..should be sacrilegiously gormandized.1637Heywood Dial. Manhater Wks. 1874 VI. 191 He hath gormandiz'd a whole hog at a feast.1775Adair Amer. Ind. 100 They gormandize such a prodigious quantity of strong food, as [etc.].1886C. D. Warner Their Pilgrimage xv. (1888) 320 The..group who have taken all the best seats in the bow, with the intention of gormandizing the views.a1887H. W. Beecher in Drysdale Prov. from Plym. Pulpit 220 To gormandise books is as wicked as to gormandise food.
3. To feed to excess; to satiate. Obs.
1604T. Wright Passions iv. ii. §2. 128 It is impossible that he should be continent in mind, that accustometh to gormandize his belly.1645R. Beake Let. fr. Sommer Isl. in Prynne Discov. Prodig. Stars & Firebrands App. (1646) 4 Their bellies and stomacks being well gormondized.1682A. Behn City Heiress i. i, You cram the Brethren, gormandizing all Comers and Goers.1773J. Ross Fratricide v. 604 (MS.) Ripping up The bowels of my Son to gormandize His fell voracity.
4. As transl. of F. gourmander, to keep in check.
1603Florio Montaigne ii. xi. (1632) 238, I know a man may gourmandize the earnest and thought-confounding violence of that pleasure.

