“God's good”的英英意思

单词 God's good
释义 ˈGod's ˌgood Obs. exc. dial.
[See god n. 16 c.]
1. Property or possessions belonging to God (applied esp. to Church property); also, worldly possessions, food, etc., viewed as the good gift of God. Obs.
c1400Plowman's T. 762 What think these men to say That thus dispenden goddis good?c1460Towneley Myst. xxvii. 284 Forto sowpe we make vs bowne, Now of oure fode; we haue enogh, sir, bi my crowne, Of godys goode.c1550Freiris Berwik 315 in Dunbar's Poems (1893) 295 Heir is now annwch of Godis gud.
2. Applied to what is considered to be without human owner, and therefore open to be appropriated by any one; spec. in Cornwall = godsend 1 b.
1553Respublica iv. iii. 28 (Brandl Quellen 323) Now vor lacke of a sallet, whan my lyege hath neade, Cham vaine to take an hatte of godsgood on my heade.1693Rokeby Diary (1887) 28 The cause of y⊇ Orange Merchts agt y⊇ Cornish Wreckers for God's goods, soe (wickedly) called.
3. Barm, yeast.
1468–9Brewers' Bk. Norwich in Norf. & Norw. Archæol. Soc. V. 324 Wheras berme, otherwise clepid goddis good..hath frely be goven or delyvered for brede, whete [etc.],.. and noon warned, bicause it cometh of the grete grace of God [etc.].1542Boorde Dyetary x. (1870) 256 Yest, barme or godesgood.1674Ray S. & E.C. Words 67 Gods good, Yeast, Barm. Kent, Norf., Suff.1887in Kent. Gloss.
4. ? Grace after meat. [? = God is good.]
1580Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 230 He that for euery qualme will take a Receipt, and can-not make two meales, vnlesse Galen be his Gods good: shall be sure to make the Phisition rich, and himselfe a begger.

