
单词 uncoft
释义 unˈcoft, ppl. a. Sc.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. MDu. and Du. ungekocht.]
1536Bellenden Descr. Alb. iv. in Cron. Scot. (1541) B ij b, Thay mycht..haif all necessaris within thaym self vncoft.15..J. Balnavis ‘O Gallandis all’ 15 (Maitland MS.), With stufe oncoft, set vpone loft, Aneuch is ewin a feist.1721Kelly Sc. Prov. 388 You strive about uncoft Gait [i.e. goats].1737Ramsay Sc. Prov. xliii. 116 Ye cangle about uncoft kids.

