
单词 unbinding
释义 I. unˈbinding, vbl. n.
[f. prec. + -ing1.]
The action of the verb in various senses.
1382Wyclif Prol. Bible ii. 3 In the tyme of Antecrist, and of vnbyndyng of Sathanas.13821 Cor. vii. 27 Thou art boundyn to a wyf, nyle thou seke vnbyndyng.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 101 But it nedys be doon with consideracion..yn byndynge, & vnbyndynge.1598Florio, Stralciamenti, vntanglings, vnbindings, vntyings.1641Milton Animadv. 52 There comes another strange Gardener that..challenges as his right the binding or unbinding of every flower.1875Poste Gaius iii. (ed. 2) 443 Nothing more natural than the likeness of the means of binding and of unbinding.
II. unˈbinding, ppl. a.1
[un-1 10.]
Not binding; esp. having no binding force, invalid.
1652Persuasive to Compliance 14 Rules..unbinding to the Parliament.1803in Spirit Publ. Jrnls. VII. 189 Assurances of the most satisfactory and yet unbinding nature.1846M'Gee Gallery Irish Writers 121 He published a treatise against the proceedings of the nuncio as uncanonical and unbinding.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xxx. (1856) 263 It is drawn on like the shirt, and, except at the neck, is perfectly loose and unbinding.
III. unˈbinding, ppl. a.2
[f. unbind v.]
Loosening, dissolving.
1791Cowper Yardley Oak 78 a (MS.), All-binding frost and all unbinding thaw.

