
单词 underpight
释义 underˈpight, pa. tense and pa. pple. Obs.
[under-1 4 a: see pitch v.1]
Supported from below; propped up. Also fig.
c1375Cursor M. 7495 (Fairf.), Here-til þou art ful ȝing; ȝone mon wiþ strenght is vnder-piȝt and þou lered neuer atte fiȝt.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xvi. 23 Pieres..bad me toten on þe tree... With þre pyles was it vnder-piȝte I perceyued it sone.14..Lydgate in MS. Soc. Antiq. 134 (Halliwell), And undirpyȝte this mancyoun ryalle, With seven pileris.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Rom. 11 Nor yet repent we our glory, with hope wherof we for this present tyme are aduaunced & vnderpyght.Ibid., Gal. 12 By the obseruaunce of this lawe then were menne so long stayed and vnderpyght.

