
单词 unrighteously
释义 unˈrighteously, adv.
[OE. unrihtwíslíce (un-1 11 + righteously adv.). Cf. ON. úréttvísliga (MDa. uretvislige, MSw. orätvislika).]
In an unrighteous manner; unjustly, wrongfully.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. liv. 425 Ic cwæð to ðæm unryhtwisum, ne do ᵹe unryhtwislice.a1200in Kemble Cod. Dipl. IV. 24 Butan he toforan ðam deaðe..ᵹebete ðæt he unrihtwislice forᵹette.a1300Cursor M. 18274 Qui gaf þou rede Þis ilk iesu to crucifi, Wit-vten skil, vn-rightwisli?1382Wyclif Wisdom xii. 13 For not vnriȝtwisly thou demest dom.c1425Audelay XI Pains Hell 333 What chamful end þay haue þat leuyn here vnryȝtwysly.1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1570) 29 Remember Richarde..In Englande reigning vnrightwisely a while.1559Mirr. Mag. 43 Was never prince that other dyd oppresse Un⁓righteously, but died in distresse.1611Beaum. & Fl. Philaster ii. i, Who unrighteously Holds wealth or state from others, shall be curst.1687Dryden Hind & P. iii. 1077 Their Foes a deadly Shibboleth devise: By which unrighteously it was decreed [etc.].a1768Secker Serm. (1770) V. 422 Whether they do not..persecute most unrighteously..both Christian Faith, and natural piety.1807Foster Ess. (1844) I. 21 They have sometimes been most unrighteously accused.1847Prescott Peru iii. vii. I. 428 The distribution of spoil so unrighteously acquired.

