
单词 terroir
释义 I. terroir Obs. rare.
[a. F. terroir, OF. terëoir (12th c. in Godef. Compl.), terrouer (13th c.):—med.L. terrātōrium (Du Cange: in Pr. terrador) = L. territōrium territory1, q.v.]
a. = territory1.
b. Soil.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 18/2 For to berye it in the terroir of the cyte of Losane.1660Charac. Italy 83 Italy is the Garden of Europe, the Terroir being gentle and copious.

Winemaking. The growing conditions in a particular region, viewed as contributing distinctive flavours to the grapes, and hence the wines, produced there; (also) = goût de terroir n.
In early use this sense tends to refer to the soil only (cf. sense b); in later use other factors such as climate, hours of sunlight, landscape, etc., are encompassed; cf. quot. 1983.
1968E. Kressmann Wonder of Wine ii. 36 The soil (or 'terroir'), from which the vine draws its sap and its essence, plays a decisive part.1971N.Y. Times 4 Apr. x. 31/6 We had a delightful Malvasier... It is light-red and has the characteristic taste of the terroir, as all South Tyrolean wines.1983N.Y. Times 1 June c13/4 Mr. Prats spoke of ‘terroir’ as being not just the soil but a combination of factors that are out of man's hands, the coming together of the soil and climate.1991Wine & Spirits June 61/2 A wine with more detail and depth than the Brunate, the Prapo shows a distinctive terroir even at this early stage in its development.2005Whisky Mag. Oct. 24/3 The South Australian wine industry..have educated the consumer to understand that terroir is less important than grape variety.
II. terroir, a. Winemaking.
Brit. |ˈtɛ(r)wɑː|, U.S. |ˈtɛrˌwɑr|
[‹ French terroir terroir n.]
Designating a wine or brandy produced from grapes grown in a specific area and having the distinctive flavour associated with the growing conditions (in early use, esp. the soil) in that area. Cf. terroir n.
1889Times 21 Oct. 4/6 On account of the unpleasantly strong taste of the soil, which characterizes this ‘terroir’ brandy, it cannot be employed except in very small proportions for blending with other brandies.1957N.Y. Times Mag. 8 Dec. 17/2 The real lover of wine is..the chap who knows a dozen bistros in town where you can buy a glass of a little terroir wine that doesn't advertise its distinction on its label.2002Hachette Wine Guide 2002 135/2 They offer a wide range of terroir wines, such as this Pinot Gris grown on a terraced hillside of the Guebwiller valley.

