
单词 sextar
释义 sextar rare.|ˈsɛkstɑː(r)|
[ad. L. sextār-ius: see next. Cf. sester.]
= sextary.
1559Morwyng Evonym. Pref., Sieth ij sextars of the juice of Roses.1601Holland Pliny xiv. xiii. I. 418 Among donatives..certaine sextars or quarts of milke have been many times given.1656Dugdale Warwicksh. 340/1 In the time of the said King Edward [the Confessor] the Shirivalty of this County..answered lxv li. in money and xxxvi. Sextars of honey.1707Fleetwood Chron. Prec. 68 In 1125, a Sextar or Quarter of Wheat, at 01l 00s 00d.Ibid. 73 Sir H. Spelman says, that at Paris, a Modius Vini holds 36 Sextarios, and that a Sextar is 8 Pints.1774T. West Antiq. Furness ii. 33 [transl.], I also grant that they shall sell each sextar of ale dearer by one penny than is done at Appleby.

