“Sendero Luminoso”的英英意思

单词 Sendero Luminoso
释义 Sendero Luminoso, n.
(sɛnˈdɛərəʊ luːmɪˈnəʊsəʊ, sɛnˈdɛro lumiˈnoso)
[Sp., lit. ‘shining path’ (see quot. 1983).]
The name of a neo-Maoist Peruvian revolutionary movement, founded in 1970 as the Communist Party of Peru, but subsequently becoming a clandestine guerrilla organization, which engaged in terrorist activities throughout the 1980s. Occas. ellipt. as Sendero. Cf. *shining path.
1981Washington Post 1 Sept. a14/1 No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks on the U.S. buildings, but police suggested a leftist group called Sendero Luminoso (Lighted Path) was responsible.1982Ann. Reg. 1981 85 In January 130 people were arrested at Ayacucho on suspicion of complicity with the maoist terrorist organization Sendero Luminoso.1983N.Y. Times Mag. 31 July 22/2 In 1970, he [sc. Abimael Guzmán] and his followers..founded the Communist Party of Peru, the organization that would become known as Sendero Luminoso. The term is taken from an earlier Peruvian ideologist, José Carlos Mariátegui: ‘Marxism-Leninism will open the shining path to revolution.’1988New Yorker 4 Jan. 35/3 Unlike other revolutionary movements..Sendero hasn't opened itself to journalists: there have been no clandestine interviews with leaders, no conducted tours of areas under Sendero control.1990Observer 1 Apr. 17/3 The treasury is so empty that the government..certainly cannot pay all the soldiers needed to protect candidates around the country from the fanatical Sendero Luminoso guerrillas.

