
单词 separation
释义 separation|sɛpəˈreɪʃən|
Forms: 5–6 separacion, 6 -acyon, seperacion, 6–7 seperation, 6– separation.
[a. OF. separation, -acion, F. séparation (= Pr. separatio, Sp. separacion, Pg. separação, It. separazione), ad. L. sēparātiōn-em, n. of action from sēparāre: see separate v.]
1. a. The action of separating or parting, of setting or keeping apart; the state of being separated or parted. to make separation, to make a severance or division.
1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iv. xix. 64 And so the tyme come that seperacion shold be made bitwene this swete appel and this Appeltre and so it felle to the erthe.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 12 b, Saynt Austyn sayth, that the passage of y⊇ chyldren of Israel from Egipt, signifyeth the separacyon of mannes soule from synne by..baptym.c1550N. Smyth tr. Herodian vi. 73 The Illirian nacions, dwellynge in a smale streyte,..doo onelye make seperacion betwene Italye, and Germanye.1611Shakes. Wint. T. i. i. 28 Since their more mature Dignities, and Royall Necessities, made seperation of their Societie.1650Jer. Taylor Funeral Serm. C'tess Carbery Wks. 1831 IV. 110 From whence it follows, that because the body casts fetters and restraints..on the soul, that the soul is much freer in the state of separation.1684T. Burnet Th. Earth i. v. 63 The Chaos, when it was first set on work, ran all into divisions, and separations of one Element from another.1788Gibbon Decl. & F. l. V. 184 The separation of the Arabs from the rest of mankind, has accustomed them to confound the ideas of stranger and enemy.1805Wordsw. Prelude xiv. 346 The mind Learns..to keep In wholesome separation the two natures.1841Miall in Nonconf. I. 2 The entire separation of Church and State is really their object.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) V. 363 After the age of six years the time has arrived for the separation of the sexes.1905R. Bagot Passport xxiv. 255 Nothing but a separation from her lover..could accomplish this object.
b. U.S. Resignation or dismissal from employment, a university, etc.; discharge from the armed forces.
1779T. Jefferson Let. 27 Mar. in Writings (1893) II. 179 The separation of these troops would be a breach of public faith.1897C. M. Flandrau Harvard Episodes 229 He would feel [sorrow] at what the official college gracefully terms the ‘separation’ of Billy from the University.1923J. D. Hackett Labor Terms in Managem. Engin. May, Separation, the termination of employment, either voluntary or involuntary, at the instance of the employer or worker.1955Univ. of Va. News Letter 15 June 1/2 Just as births exceed deaths to yield an expanding population, so new entrants exceed separations through deaths and retirements to yield an expanding labor force.1976Washington Post 19 Apr. c15/10 (Advt.), Excellent opportunity in proposal writing for former surface Naval officer who completed 1 or 2 tours prior to separation.
c. separation of powers Pol.: the vesting of the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers of government in separate bodies.
[1748Montesquieu De l'Esprit des Loix I. xi. vi. 245 Il n'ya a point encore de Liberté, si la puissance de juger n'est pas séparée de la puissance législative & de l'exécutrice.1788A. Hamilton et al. Federalist II. xlvii. 92 The Meaning of the Maxim, which requires a Separation of the Departments of Power, examined and ascertained.]1896A. L. Lowell Govts. & Parties in Continental Europe I. i. 55 The Declaration of The Rights of Man proclaimed in 1789 that a community in which the separation of powers was not established had no constitution.1921J. Bryce Mod. Democracies II. ii. xxxix. 23 No official of the Federal Government is eligible to sit in Congress, no official of the Government of a State to sit in its legislature. This provision, a tribute to the famous doctrine of the Separation of Powers, was meant to prevent the Executive from controlling the Legislature.1973N.Y. Times 15 Aug. 36/1 President Nixon's attorneys..asserted that the constitutional separation of powers precluded the courts from commanding him to make those tapes available to a grand jury.
2. The action of separating oneself, withdrawing, or parting company. to make separation, to withdraw, go apart.
c1450Cov. Myst. (Shaks. Soc.) 240 Whan the Soule from the body xal make Separacion.1623E. Jessop Discov. Err. Anabaptists 85 Here we see..that a separation ought to be made from all kind of Idolatry and vnrighteousnes of the heathen.a1625Fletcher Elder Bro. iii. v, Remove her where you will, I walk along still; For, like the light, we make no separation.1686J. Scott Chr. Life ii. iii. Wks. 1718 I. 232 As separating into Parties..exposes the Separatists themselves to great Temptations to Atheism, so it doth those also who..stand engaged on neither Part of the Separation.1848Thackeray Van. Fair xxiv, When a separation from those we love is imminent, [we] cannot rest until the parting be over.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. iv. 356 It was the first active movement towards a separation from Rome.1886Nat. Rev. Mar. 83 With Mr. Parnell..Separation is a means to an end.
3. Cessation of conjugal cohabitation, either by mutual consent of the parties or imposed by a judicial decree granted at the suit of one of them. judicial separation: the name now given to the ‘divorce a mensa et thoro’ of the older English law: see divorce n. 1.
1600J. Chamberlain Lett. (Camden) 98 But in conclusion the woman scaped better cheape then was looked for, having only sentence of separation a mensâ et thoro.1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, ii. i. 148 Did you not of late dayes heare A buzzing of a Separation Betweene the King and Katherine?1700T. Brown tr. Fresny's Amusem. vii. Wks. 1709 III. i. 64 The usual Causes of Separation is assign'd as the Fault of the Wife.1749Fielding Tom Jones xviii. xi, In order to prevail with him..to consent to a separation from his wife.1848Thackeray Van. Fair lxv, Wasn't there a scandal about their separation?1857Act 20 & 21 Vict. c. 85 §16 A Sentence of Judicial Separation (which shall have the Effect of a Divorce à Mensâ et Thoro under the existing Law..) may be obtained, either by the Husband or the Wife, on the ground of Adultery [etc.].
4. A sect of separatists or dissenters from the Church; esp. in the 17th cent., the body of Protestant nonconformists collectively. Obs.
1599[H. Jacob] title, A short Treatise..Against the Reasons..of Maister Francis Johnson, with others of the Separation.1608Bernard Chr. Advert. 163 Positions..maintained by some godlie Ministers of the Gospell against those of the Separation.1610B. Jonson Alch. iii. i, Such rebukes we of the Separation Must beare, with willing shoulders.1623E. Jessop Discov. Err. Anabaptists 80 Which is the best ordination and succession, the Church of Rome..hath..and which the separations doe contend for.1710S. Palmer Proverbs 141 This is both a court and a church-game, and the separation it self isn't free from it.
5. A separated portion, a division. Obs.
1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies vi. ii. 435 Every portion of these foure had thirteene separations which had all their signs or particular figures.1785Hutton in Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. (1788) I. 246 By this means the separations of the stone diminish, in a progression from the centre towards the circumference.
6. The place where two or more objects separate or are divided from one another; a parting, line of division.
1615Crooke Body of Man 435 In woemen they are diuided by a line, which separation the Greeks call λύσωµα.., in English we cal it the shed of the haire.1839W. Chambers Tour Rhine 47/1 We now come to the separation of the Maas and Waal branches of the river.1851Woodward Mollusca i. 48 In the brachiopoda the separation is horizontal.
7. Something that separates or effects a division or partition; an interval or break between two objects; a cause of separating. rare.
1715Leoni Palladio's Archit. (1742) I. 68 The Walls, which make the separation of every Apartment.1728R. Morris Anc. Archit. 51 Some omit this Member, and have only the second Fascia, projected..beyond..the first, without any Separation.1821Rich Journ. Persepolis 25 Aug. in Babylon & P. (1839) 249 The separation or stop in the first [kind of Cuneiform inscription] is [an oblique wedge].1906Belloc Hills & Sea 94 These dykes of the Fens are accursed things: they are the separation of friends and lovers.
8. Alch. and Old Chem. A process of analysis, extraction, or the like. water of separation (see quot. 1728). Obs.
1471Ripley Comp. Alch. iii. ii. in Ashm. (1652) 139 And Separacyon ys callyd by Phylosophers dyffynycyon Of the sayd Elements tetraptatyve dyspersyon.1626Bacon Sylva §3 It seemeth Percolation..is a good kinde of Separation.Ibid. §798, I remember to haue heard..that a Fifteenth Part of Siluer, incorporate with Gold, will not be Recouered by any Water of Separation; Except you put a Greater Quantity of Siluer, to draw to it the Lesse; which..is the last Refuge in Separations.1661Boyle Scept. Chem. iv. 276 What Disparity there may be between the salts and sulphurs of Metals and other Minerals, I am not my self experienced enough in the separations and examens of them, to venture to determine.1728Chambers Cycl. II. 349/2 s.v. Water, A farther Use is in the making Separations of oily from saline Parts.Ibid. 351/2 Water of Separation, or Depart, is only Aqua fortis; thus called, because serving to separate Gold from Silver.
9. Astr. and Astrol. (See quot. 1819.)
1594Davis Seaman's Secr. (1607) 6 Betweene the change and the full, it is called the Moone's separation from the Sunne.1819J. Wilson Dict. Astrol. 366 Separation, when two planets having been in partile configuration are beginning to separate. It is distinguished into simple and mutual.
10. Med. The process by which dead tissue becomes detached from the sound flesh.
1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 273 Separation is, whereby parts distracted are separated every one alike having his several being in himself.1672Wiseman Treat. Wounds ii. 14 It being a good Medicament to hasten separation of the Escars.1800Med. & Phys. Jrnl. III. 449, I know two or three cases where women have lost their lives by waiting too long for a spontaneous separation [sc. of the placenta].1801Ibid. V. 80 No sloughing or separation took place, for the action of the absorbents was equal to the removal.
11. Navigation. = departure 7 a. Obs.—0
1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Separation, with some Writers of Navigation, is the same with what is more usually called, the Departure; that is, a Ships Difference of Longitude from any place, or from another Ship.
12. Math. The division of a partition into component partitions. Cf. separate n. 4.
1888MacMahon in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. XIX. 243 It becomes necessary to consider the separation of such a partition into component partitions.Ibid. 254 In general, if there are θ separations of any partition and ϕ species of separation, there must be θ–ϕ syzygies between the θ separations.
13. Horticulture. (See quot.)
1891L. H. Bailey Nursery-bk. (1896) 26 Separation, or the multiplication of plants by means of naturally detachable vegetative organs, is effected by means of bulbs, bulbels, bulb-scales, bulblets, corms, tubers, and sometimes by buds.
14. Photogr. and Printing.
a. Each of three or more monochrome reproductions of a coloured picture, made in different colours in such a way that they combine to reproduce the full colour of the original.
1922[see colour separation s.v. colour n.1 19].1933T. S. Barber Art & Pract. Printing IV. xiv. 163 The Three-colour Process requires three half-tones, made from photographic colour separations.1967Karch & Buber Offset Processes v. 170 In making the separation from a colored original or transparency, the circular glass halftone screen..is used.1972Physics Bull. Sept. 533/3 An original colour picture must first be processed to obtain four continuous tone ‘separations’, that is images on film which present the red, green and blue content of the original together with a ‘key’.
b. The process of obtaining a set of monochrome reproductions of a coloured picture in each of which the tones correspond to the proportions of a particular colour in the original.
1924,1930[see colour separation s.v. colour n.1 19].1931F. R. Newens Technique Colour Photogr. iii. 25 This tri-pack gives extremely good colour separation.1949Melcher & Larrick Printing & Promotion Handbk. 48/2 Color separation is the technique by which the colors of the original art work..are sorted out so that all the reds appear in the red plate, the blue and the shades of blue in the blue plate, etc.Ibid. 49/1 Flat-color jobs present no problem... Full-color originals are more difficult. Here the printer may do his separations by the fake process method or by the process-color method.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XIV. 304/2 In the direct method [of making colourplates], screen negatives are prepared directly from the copy through the colour-separation filters and a halftone screen.
15. Physics and Aeronaut. The separation of the boundary layer from the surface of a body moving relative to the surrounding fluid.
1926H. Glauert Elem. Aerofoil & Airscrew Theory viii. 100 When two parallel layers of fluid are moving in the same direction with different velocities, the surface of separation is a vortex sheet.1935K. D. Wood Techn. Aerodynamics ii. 46 At zero lift, there is commonly a certain amount of separation under the nose of the airfoil.1949O. G. Sutton Sci. of Flight ii. 40 The air stream has found it difficult to turn the corner... In technical language the flow separates. We shall see later that separation is of immense importance in all problems of aerodynamics.1978D. Küchemann Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft ii. 37 The most important boundary-layer phenomenon is flow separation.
16. Distinction or difference between the signals carried by the two channels of a stereophonic system; a measure of this.
1960Markell & Stanton Installing Hi-Fi Systems i. 11 The portion of the room in which the maximum stereo effect is heard is fairly limited, and complete separation between the sound signals at the ears of the listener is impossible in a practical situation.1962Times 5 July 15/6 In general quality the discs were still preferable although on the tapes the stereo ‘separation’ was more marked.1974Harvey & Bohlman Stereo F.M. Radio Handbk. vi. 129 Some adjustment over the degree of cross-coupling may be provided by a preset control..labelled separation.1975G. J. King Audio Handbk. viii. 185 For good stereo image placement the separation should not be less than 20 dB over the important part of the spectrum.
17. attrib., as separation funnel, separation-scene; separation anxiety Psychol., anxiety provoked in a child by the threat or actuality of separation from its mother or mother substitute; also transf.; separation factor Nuclear Engin., the ratio of the concentration of a particular isotope after a process of enrichment to the concentration before; also, the ratio of the concentrations in the two mixtures produced by the process; separation negative, a separation (sense 14 a above) in the form of a photographic negative; separation-order, an order of court for judicial separation (see 3); separation plant, an installation for the separation of isotopes of a chemical element; separation point Physics and Aeronaut., a point on a surface at which boundary-layer separation begins.
1943W. R. D. Fairbairn in Brit. Jrnl. Med. Psychol. XIX. 340/2 The problem of *separation-anxiety in the soldier is anticipated under a totalitarian regime by a previous exploitation of infantile dependence.1973J. Bowlby Attachment & Loss II. vi. 95 Despite Freud's increasing insistence on the key role of separation anxiety in neurosis, there has been marked reluctance to adopt his ideas.1977Sunday Mail (Brisbane) 23 Oct. 24/7 Separation Anxiety: The child fears the parent will abandon him. Newson and Newson showed that very many parents used this as a threat.
1945H. D. Smyth Gen. Acct. Devel. Atomic Energy Mil. Purposes ix. 94 In nearly every process a high *separation factor means a low yield, a fact that calls for continual compromise.1978Sci. Amer. Aug. 31/3 A typical separation factor for an early machine was 1·25, which means that if the fraction of uranium 235 in the feed gas is 0·71 percent, as it is in natural uranium, the product contains ·794 uranium 235 and the waste contains ·635 percent.
1881Tyndall Floating Matter iii. 171 A ‘*separation-funnel’ with a glass stopcock.
1931F. R. Newens Techniques Colour Photogr. iii. 25 Although it is possible to produce the three-colour *separation negatives by a single exposure, either in a one-exposure tricolour camera, or by means of a film tri-pack.., neither method is at present readily available.1957P. Jenkins Colour Separation Negatives 30 A fundamental rule in separation-negative making is that any neutral (grey, white, or black) should be reproduced as an equal density on each of the three negatives.1974A. Sussman Amateur Photographer's Handbk. (ed. 8) xviii. 478 The problem of separation negatives, so far as the amateur is concerned, was overcome in 1935 when Eastman Kodak introduced Kodachrome film.
1887Cassell's Encycl. Dict. s.v. Separation, A *separation order can also be granted in England by a magistrate on proof of cruelty.1907‘John Halsham’ Lonewood Corner 74 The wife and her mangle presently get a separation-order.
1945H. D. Smyth Gen. Acct. Devel. Atomic Energy Mil. Purposes viii. 84 The principal installations constructed at the Clinton Laboratory site were the pile and the *separation plant.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XIII. 325/1 Groves arranged contracts for a gaseous diffusion separation plant, a plutonium production facility and a calutron pilot plant.
1946A. W. Sherwood Aerodynamics vii. 101 If the velocity of flow over the sphere is increased, the local Reynolds number Rl for any point in the boundary layer is proportionally increased, with a maximum value at the *separation points.1978D. Küchemann Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft ii. 37 The flow lifts off the wall at a separation point where the skin friction becomes zero and the air flows backwards behind it.
1848Thackeray Van. Fair lxvi, As for the *separation-scene from the child, while Becky was reciting it, Emmy retired altogether behind her pocket-handkerchief.

