
单词 prede
释义 I. prede, pread, n. Obs. rare.
Also 6 preede.
[ad. L. præda booty, spoil.]
Plunder, spoil, booty, prey.
1538St. Papers Hen. VIII, III. 41 He was constreyned to leave behinde him the spoile and prede he had there takyn.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 186 They..conspired together of all the preade & bootie that thei should geat not to bryng a iote into y⊇ kynges pauilion.1582Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 35 For we hither sayld not,..from their region with prede too gather an heardflock.Ibid., etc. 139 Not a practise honest, nor a preede toe be greatlye recounted.
II. prede, pread, v. Obs. rare.
Also 6 preid.
[ad. L. prædārī to plunder, spoil, f. præda: see prec.]
a. trans. To plunder, rob.
b. absol. or intr. To seize booty, to plunder. Hence preding, preading, vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1577Stanyhurst Descr. Irel. in Holinshed (1587) II. 23/1 The inhabitants being dailie and hourelie molested and preided by their prolling mounteine neighbors.1600Holland Livy iii. vii. 92 To..sit still without preading, in a wast and desart countrey.1609Amm. Marcell. xiv. vi. 12 Crewes and troupes of preading brigands.1632Cyrupædia 66 Some Chaldees..that live by preading and robbing.
III. prede
ME. dial. form of pride.

