
单词 misadventure
释义 I. misadventure, n.|mɪsædˈvɛntjʊər, -tʃə(r)|
Forms: 3–6 (9 arch.) misaventure, (3–6 -eur, 4 -ur, 4– 6 -our, 6 -aventre), 5– -adventure. See also misaunter.
[a. OF. mesaventure (12th c.), f. mesavenir to turn out badly, after aventure adventure n.: see mis-2.
The spelling with -ad- appears first in the 15th c., but does not become regular till the end of the 16th c., when the stress also finally settled in its present position.]
1. Ill-luck, bad fortune. Nearly always in particularized use: A piece of bad fortune; a mishap or misfortune.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 364/11 Muche reuþe was into al þat lond of þis misauenture.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 9218, & preye Iesu our Saueour To schulde vs fro mysauentour.c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 4238 The sorrowes and mysaventures..That loves folkys ha suffred there.c1425Eng. Conq. Irel. 68 Good aduentures comen oft slowly & aloon, bot mesaduentures ne cometh neuermore aloon.1500–20Dunbar Poems xx. 44 Hald God thy friend,..He will the confort in all misaventeur.c1510Barclay Mirror Gd. Manners (1570) D v, Joy sauced is with payne,..Mixt with misaduenture be chaunces prosperous.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. v. i. 29 Your lookes are pale and wild, and do import Some misaduenture.1614Raleigh Hist. World ii. (1634) 407 All under the Sunne are subject to worldly miseries and misadventures.1792Burke Pres. St. Aff. Wks. VII. 103 The grand, solid body..proceeded leisurely..to support the expedite body in case of misadventure.1822Shelley tr. Calderon's Magico Prodigioso ii. 102 Among my misadventures This shipwreck is the least.a1850Rossetti Dante & Circle i. (1874) 151 Through this my strong and new misaventure, All now is lost to me.1878R. B. Smith Carthage 323 Not a misadventure or a hitch occurred.1885Manch. Exam. 3 June 5/1 There was a mistake, or a misunderstanding, or a misadventure of some sort.
2. Phrases.
a. at misadventure, by misadventure (see also 3): by an unlucky accident.
b. to bid (a thing) misadventure: to curse. to do (a person) misadventure: to bring disaster or ruin upon.
c. In imprecatory expressions.
a.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 166 His nese & his ine he carfe at misauentoure.1470–85Malory Arthur iii. vii. 107 And soo he smote of her hede by mysauenture.Ibid. vii. vi. 221 Alle that euer thou dost is but by mysauenture and not by prowesse of thy handes.1820Shelley tr. Dante's Convito 55 If by misadventure chance should bring Thee to base company.1873Browning Red Cott. Nt.-cap ii. 669 Made aware By misadventure that his bounty..comforted a visitant.
b.c1330Arth. & Merl. 4384 (Kölbing) Boþe o lif & eke tresour Þai dede þe paiens misauentour.Ibid. 8361 He..bad þe time mesauenture, þat he cunteked wiþ king Arthour.
c.a1300K. Horn 344 (Camb. MS.) Went [= go] vt of my bur, Wiþ muchel mesauenteur.c1386Chaucer Friar's T. 36 ‘Pees, with mischance and with misaventure’, Thus seyde our host, ‘and lat him telle his tale’.c1450Merlin 68 And she seide ‘Mysauenture haue that it kepeth eny counseile’.
3. Law. Homicide committed accidentally by a person in doing a lawful act, without any intention of hurt; now chiefly in phr. homicide or death by misadventure.
[c1290Britton (1865) i. ii. §2 Cum nule felounie ou mesauenture soit avenue.]1509–10Act 1 Hen. VIII, c. 7 Yf eny persone hathe happened to be slayne by myssaventre and not by no mannys Hande.1581W. Stafford Exam. Compl. iii. (1876) 85 A man that had trespassed the lawe of misaduenture.1596Bacon Max. & Use Com. Law i. (1630) 30 If diuers bee in danger of drowning by the casting away of some boate..and one of them get to some plancke..and another to save his life thrust him from it, whereby hee is drowned, this is neither se defendendo nor by misaduenture, but iustifiable.1614Charge touching Duels 20 For the case of misaduenture it selfe, there were Citties of refuge.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. iv. xiv. 182 Homicide per infortunium, or misadventure.Ibid., Where a parent is moderately correcting his child, a master his servant or scholar, or an officer punishing a criminal, and happens to occasion his death, it is only misadventure.1800Addison's Rep. 8 Homicide by misadventure is an unlawful killing by accident.1903Blackw. Mag. Dec. 772/1 Death by misadventure in the ordinary execution of her duty.
II. misadˈventure, v. Obs.—0
[nonce-formation on It. (see quot.).]
1611Florio, Misauenturáre, to misaduenture.

