
单词 mid-heaven
释义 mid-heaven
[mid a.]
1. Astron. and Astrol. The meridian, or middle line of the heavens; the point of the ecliptic on the meridian.
1594Blundevil Exerc. vi. xxix. (1597) 308 b, The Fiduciall line of the label crossing the Zodiaque, will shew the degree of mid heauen at that houre.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God 203 Mid-heaven, the point between the Horoscope and the west-angle.1819J. Wilson Dict. Astrol. 272 The 10th [house] is the midheaven, or medium cœli, or south angle.
2. The middle of the sky.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 11 The sunne is not only risen and in our midheauen, but the light of it is seauen fold bigger then it was before.1667Milton P.L. xii. 263 Or how the Sun shall in mid Heav'n stand still.1871Tennyson Last Tourn. 737 The red fruit Grown on a magic oak-tree in mid-heaven.
3. The midst of heaven as the abode of angels.
1667Milton P.L. ix. 468 But the hot Hell that alwayes in him burnes, Though in mid Heav'n, soon ended his delight.

