
单词 over-proportion
释义 ˈover-proˈportion, n.
[over- 29 c.]
Excessive proportion; excess of one thing in proportion to another.
1666S. Parker Free & Impart. Censure (1667) 143 By the Over-proportion of one of them [Pleasures against Misery], he may rate the value of himself.1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. I. 291 The over-proportions of moisture.
So ˌover-proˈportion v. trans., to make or estimate in excess of the true proportion; ˈover-proˈportionate, -proˈportionated, -proˈportioned adjs., that is above the proper or ordinary proportion, excessive, disproportionate; ˈover-proˈportionately adv., in excessive proportion, out of proportion to something. (All rare or Obs.)
1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iv. xiii. 302 He that should have guessed the bignesse of Alexanders souldiers by their shields left in India, would much overproportion their true greatnesse.1647H. More Song of Soul To Rdr. 7/2 Would it not be an overproportionated engine?1662Philos. Writ. Pref. Gen. (1712) 11 Where men have an over-proportioned Zeal for or against such Things in Religion.1671Grew Anat. Plants i. §20 The Parenchyma..is so far over⁓proportionate, as to make at least nine Tenths of the whole Lobe.1676H. More Remarks 165 A greater sign that there is no such Tension..than that in the Pump should be so over-proportionately tended.1697Collier Ess. Mor. Subj. i. (1709) 231 Misapprehensions conveyed into them by over-proportioned Respect.

