
单词 wanrest
释义 wanrest Sc. Obs.
[f. wan- + rest n.]
1. A state of inquietude or trouble: = unrest.
c1550Rolland Crt. Venus ii. 456 For my wanrest I wald thow saw remeid.1570Satir. Poems Reform. xxii. 41 This birdis counsall confoundit hes yis land,..That mouit hes..Wandreth, wanrest, feirfull ambitioun.1584J. Melvill Autob. & Diary (Wodrow Soc.) 205 Sall nocht this sillie ease be turned in sorrowfull wanrest?1603Proph. of T. Rymour (Bannatyne Cl.) 22 The Ratches workes them great wanrest.1768Ross Helenore i. 33 Quo' she, I wiss I could your wanrest ken.1874R. Buchanan Poet. Wks. I. 196 And Effie..Turn'd from the happy shining of the sun, In wanrest and in tears.
2. The pendulum of a clock.
1794[W. Anderson] Piper of Peebles 13 (Jam.) The house from top to bottom shook, An' as a wanrest wagg'd the crook.1808Jamieson s.v., ‘The wanrest of a clock gaes as far the tae gate, as it gede the tither;’ S. Prov. signifying, that an unstable person generally goes from one extreme to another.
Hence wanˈrestful a. Sc., restless.
1783Burns Death Poor Mailie 36 An' may they never learn the gaets Of ither vile, wanrestfu' Pets!1887Service Dr. Duguid iii. iii. 255 Wanrestfu' and troubled, she couldna sit still.

