
单词 intrude
释义 intrude, v.|ɪntruːd|
Also 6 entrude, -trewde, 7 intrud.
[ad. L. intrūdĕre (doubtful in Cic.), f. in- (in-2) + trūdĕre to thrust. Cf. OF. intruire, -ure (1479 in Godef.) and pa. pple. intrus.]
1. a. trans. To thrust, force, or drive (any thing) in; to introduce by force. Const. into, in.
1563–83Foxe A. & M. 1455/2 Y⊇ marrowbones of the masse, which..you by force, might, and violence intrude in sound of wordes in some of the scripture.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. xvii. b/2 When as we intrude the same [point of a knife] in anye fistle.1674Grew Causes Mixt. iv. §3 Their parts are wedged and intruded one into another.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth iv. (1723) 202 We..find some few of these fossil Shells,..with Iron-Ore..intruded into their Pores.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xxxi. 410 As if air had intruded itself between the separated surfaces.1886Willis & Clark Cambridge II. 467 When the new Kitchen was built it was intruded into the area of the old Hall.
b. intr. for refl. To thrust oneself; to come or make one's way by force. Obs.
1562T. Phaer æneid. ix. Ff jb, Vnprudent man, yt whan the Rutill king did through intrude Coulde him not entring spye.1770Goldsm. Des. Vill. 342 To distant climes..Where half the convex world intrudes between.. they go.
2. trans. To thrust or bring in without leave; to force (something unwelcome) on or upon a person.
1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 15 Upon whose absence and departure..you seeke to intrude the summe of all your unhappinesse and misfortune.1653Baxter Chr. Concord 56 They were not Ordained and placed in void places, but intruded into Churches that had lawfull Bishops.a1786W. Hastings in Burke Articles xvii. xxix, You must forbid any person of that nation to be intruded into your presence, without his introduction.1842Claim & Protest of Ch. Scotl. in State Trials (N.S.) IV. (1892) 1401 Ordaining a Church Court to..admit to the office of the holy ministry..a probationer..and to intrude him also on the congregation, contrary to the will of the people.1849R. Buchanan Ten Years' Conflict xi. II. 205 Prepared to intrude ministers against reclaiming congregations, and that, if need were, at the point of the bayonet.1864Bryce Holy Rom. Emp. vii. (1875) 95 The tendency which intruded earthly Madonnas and saints between the worshipper and the spiritual Deity.
3. refl. and intr. To thrust oneself into any benefice, possession, office, or dignity to which one has no title or claim; to usurp on or upon: cf. intrusion 2. Passing into 4. Obs.
1534Act 26 Hen. VIII, c. 3 §5 Dignities benefices or other spiritual promocions wherein they shal so enter and entrewde before the paiment of the saide firste fruites.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI 178 Duryng whose..captivitie he wrongfully usurped and entruded upon the royall power and high estate of this Realme.1563Abp. Parker Articles §6 Item, whether ther be any parsons that intrude them selfe..without imposition of handes and ordinary authoritie.1592Warner Alb. Eng. viii. xliii. (1612) 206 He gave the Liuers dwellings, lesse than where they since intru'de.1602Marston Ant. & Mel. ii. Wks. 1856 I. 25, I pree thee intrude not on a dead mans right.1628Coke On Litt. i. 277 a, He that entreth vpon any of the Kings Demesnes, and taketh the profits, is said to Intrude vpon the Kings possession.1682Burnet Rights Princes i. 14 If he went violently to intrude himself into other Parishes.
4. To thrust oneself in without warrant or leave; to enter or come where one is uninvited or unwelcome. Also transf. and fig. of things, and in non-material relations. Const. into, in (a place, company, etc.), on, upon (a person, something personal or private, etc.).
a. refl.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 48 M. Hoult intrudid himself as his accustomid manner is.1659D. Pell Impr. Sea 116 To what end shouldst thou intrude thy self unwarrantably into their companies?1769Junius Lett. iii. 20 And do you..presume to intrude yourself, unthought of, uncalled for, upon the patience of the public?1874L. Stephen Hours in Library (1892) I. viii. 286 The strangest freaks of fancy intrude themselves into his sublime contemplations.
b. intr.1588Shakes. Tit. A. ii. i. 27 Thy wit wants edge And manners, to intru'd where I am grac'd.a1601? Marston Pasquil & Kath. ii. 275 Shee wonders at your rudenesse, that intrudes Vpon the quiet of her mornings rest.1635J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Banish'd Virg. 20 The Count thought it unfitting to intrude (as then) into their company.1709Steele Tatler No. 62 ⁋6 A very odd Fellow, who would intrude upon us.1786tr. Beckford's Vathek (1883) 143 This was the only sound that intruded on the silence of these doleful mansions.1836Marryat Japhet lxxii, I perceived that my presence was not welcome, and I would no further intrude.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 70/1 There is a tendency for certain dominant and improved races of live stock to intrude into districts up to this time occupied by native breeds.
5. trans.
a. To enter forcibly. Obs. rare.
1593Shakes. Lucr. 848 Why should the worm intrude the maiden bud; Or hateful cuckoos hatch in sparrows' nests?
b. Geol. To be forced or thrust into.
1925J. Joly Surface-Hist. Earth viii. 130 Both these [series], together with a series mainly of basaltic eruptives.., were finally intruded by vast uprisings of granites (largely batholithic).1932W. H. Emmons et al. Geol. xii. 361 This sill intrudes limestone, is nearly flat lying, and in general is almost parallel to the beds it intrudes.1955Econ. Geol. L. 715 Four locations where sills, dikes, and stocks intrude or cut off the phosphate-bearing beds.1957Mineral. Mag. XXXI. 588 This block is intruded by three stock-like masses of fine-grained granite.1966C. O. Dunbar Earth iv. 61 Remnants of the oldest sedimentary formations were intensively deformed and intruded by the underlying granite.1971I. G. Gass et al. Understanding Earth ii. 48/2 A small igneous intrusion..which intruded a fossiliferous sediment.

