
单词 lamellibranch
释义 lamellibranch, n. (a.) Zool.|ləˈmɛlɪbræŋk|
[ad. mod.L. lāmellibranchia pl., f. L. lamella + Gr. βράγχια gills.]
A lamellibranchiate or bivalve mollusc; one of the Lamellibranchiata.
1855H. Spencer Princ. Psychol. (1872) I. i. ii. 15 In the Lamellibranchs several such..ganglia are distributed..in different parts of the body.1872Nicholson Palæont. 188 No Lamellibranch is destitute of a shell.
b. attrib. or adj. = lamellibranchiate a.
1867J. Hogg Microsc. ii. ii. 377 The contents of the stomachs of most Lamellibranch molluscs..exhibit a considerable admixture of the minute calcareous Foraminifera.

