
单词 wreke
释义 I. wreke Obs.
Also 6 reke.
[a. early ON. *wreke m. (Icel. reki, Norw. reke), from the same stem as *wrek neut.: see wreck n.1]
1. = wreck n.1 1.
1420Stonor Papers (Camden) I. 32 Every man here knoweth wel þat þe wreke is parcel of þe enheritance of Ermyngton.1477Paston Lett. III. 213 Remembir your ryth of your wreke at Wynterton.Ibid., Gret plante of wreke of the schyppe..worth meche mony.1495Act 11 Hen. VII, c. 34 Preamble, With wreke of the Sea and all other forfaitures. [1535Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 26 §23 Lordes marchers..shall have, hold, and kepe within..the precincte of their said Lordeshipps..wreke de mere, wharfage.]
2. = wreck n.1 2.
c1440Promp. Parv. 553/2 Wreke, of þe see, alga, norga.1500Ortus Vocab. BB viij b/1 Norga, fex maris,..wreke.1545Elyot, Vlua, reke or wiedes of the sea.
II. wreke etc.,
obs. ff. wreak n. and v.

