
单词 retribute
释义 I. retribute, v. Now rare.|rɪˈtrɪbjuːt, ˈrɛtrɪbjuːt|
[f. L. retribūt-, ppl. stem of retribuĕre, f. re- re- + tribuĕre to give, assign.]
1. trans. To give in return; to make return of; to retaliate (something) on one.
1575Fenton Gold. Epist. (1582) 9, I haue retributed that recompence whiche belongeth to the power of so pore a friend.1579Guicciard. ix. (1599) 356 To whom in particular were retributed no small rewardes.1621S. Ward Life of Faith 64 Hath Christ giuen himselfe for thee,..and what hast thou to retribute?1643G. Chudleigh Declaration 4 The King giveth life and motion to the Law, and the Law retributes vertue and operation to the King.1702Pres. St. Jacobitism 27 [It] tied up the Hands of Power from retributing the like measure on themselves.1866J. B. Rose tr. Ovid's Fasti v. 352 She retributed slight on friend and foe.
2. To make return for; to repay.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 1 Ready to retribute our fidelitie with infinite aduantage.1633Bp. Hall Hard Texts, N.T. 330 Neither..can God be unrighteous in not perfecting and retributing that your painfull love.1663Ormonde in Carte Life (1736) II. 273 Injuries to be remembered upon all occasions, and retributed by crossing my desires, when they aim at just things.1933W. H. W. Sabine Guido & Girls xi. 130 Those foul thoughts that lately have been mine, Thus justly retributed by the laws..that are divine.
3. intr. To make a return or requital.
1612–5Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. xvii. vi. 1224 It is dishonourable to take from equals, and not to retribute.1643Sir T. Browne Relig. Med. (1682) 29 All wherein an humble Creature may endeavour to requite, and some way to retribute unto his Creator.1689Popple tr. Locke's 1st Let. Toleration L.'s Wks. 1727 II. 250 God..is the only Judge in this Case, who will retribute unto every one at the last Day.a1731De Foe Mrs. Veal Pref., A just God who will retribute to every one according to the deeds done in the body.
Hence retributing vbl. n.
a1660Hammond Serm. Wks. 1850 III. 355 What Christian soever can indulge himself the enjoyment..of revenge, or retributing of injuries [etc.].1686W. de Britaine Hum. Prud. ix. 42 But I can admit the re-tributing of good turns.
II. retribute, ppl. a. Obs.—1
[ad. L. retribūt-us, pa. pple. of retribuĕre: see prec.]
1673Kirkman Unlucky Citizen 266 Here was Retalliation, absolute Revenge, Resolute, and Justice, Retribute.

