
单词 reformation
释义 reformation|rɛfəˈmeɪʃən|
Also 6 refourmation.
[ad. L. reformātiōn-em, n. of action f. reformāre to reform: cf. F. réformation (13th c. in Godef. Compl.).]
1. Restoration (of peace). Cf. reform v.1 1.
c1440Gesta Rom. i. xlvii. 196 (Harl. MS.), Wher so euer he knewe þat eny discorde or vnrest was Regnynge, he labovrid to make Reformacion of pes.1568Grafton Chron. II. 156 The Legate..laboured so to the king, that a reformation of peace was spoken of.
2. Improvement in form or quality; alteration to a better form; correction or removal of defects or errors; reparation, rebuilding.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. ii. i. 108 Off Babilon bathe towire and town Scho made gude reformacion.1468Paston Lett. II. 314 Maister John Smyth, that..was none holsom counceller yn the reformacion of the last testament.1528in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. xiv. 249 [To] examine, Refourme, & correcte..alle suche of the saide Actes and Ordynaunce As vppon the examinacion and Reformacion of theym they shalle thynke to be good and Resonable.c1543in Parke Dom. Archit. (1859) III. 79 To make..a new halle..and reformacon honourable for the quenes loggyng.Ibid., With reformation of your conduyts there.1594Blundevil Exerc. iii. i. xvi. (1636) 311 Unlesse the Kalenders be reformed..(for the Roman reformation is not so exactly true as it might be).1600Rowlands Lett. Humours Blood xii. 18 Fine Phillip comes vnto the Barbers shopp, Wheer's nittie lockes must suffer reformation.1663Gerbier Counsel d 3, All such as the very aspects of number of Brick-buildings, since the reformation of a Gotis relick building, hath manifested to have been the main cause.1776Adam Smith W.N. i. v. I. 49 Even before the late reformation of the gold coin of Great Britain.1829Simons & Stuart Rep. Cases Chanc. I. 218 Whether a Court of Equity will refuse to reform an Instrument..because it happened to be drawn by the Party seeking that reformation.1855Brewster Newton II. xxiii. 311 When the public attention was called to the reformation of the Kalendar.
b. Improvement in health. Obs. rare—1.
1772Johnson Let. to Mrs. Thrale 19 Oct., This is to be my home long enough to receive a letter, which will, I hope, tell me that you are busy in reformation.
3. Improvement of (or in) an existing state of things, institution, practice, etc.; a radical change for the better effected in political, religious, or social affairs.
c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. xv. (1885) 148 How also þe lawes mey be amendet in suche thynges as thay neden reformacion in.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 60, I will do for a reformacion of this matter as muche as a priest may do.1588Burghley in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. III. 28 Yf I fynde not a due and spedye reformation of all disorders among you.1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 3 In consequence of the Reformation of Religion, both lost the Authority they had in this City.1713Berkeley Guardian No. 62 ⁋10 The reformation of the church and that of learning began together.1782Cowper Flatting Mill 14 Alas for the poet! who dares undertake To urge reformation of national ill.1833Alison Hist. Europe ii. II. 65 If they [bands] are slowly and cautiously unbent, it is Reformation; if suddenly removed,..it is Revolution.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. ii. 99 Wolsey talked of reformation, but delayed its coming.
b. spec. (with capital). The great religious movement of the 16th century, having for its object the reform of the doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome, and ending in the establishment of the various Reformed or Protestant Churches of central and north-western Europe.
1563Winȝet Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 67 We ar sa tribulit be ȝow..for nocht assenting generalie to ȝour prætendit reformatioun.1588Fregeville Reformed Politicke 44 To the end to ship the Clergy in the League, they wer perswaded, that within six moneths the Reformation should be vtterly extinguished.1657Trapp Comm. Ps. cl. 4 That grave and simple Psalmodie..(so much used of old, and by this blessed Reformation restored to the Church).1685Evelyn Diary 22 Dec., The first Popish Nuncio that had ben in England since the Reformation.a1715Burnet Own Time I. 10 Some few..did lean so grosly to Popery, that the heat and violence of the Reformation became the main subject of their sermons.1772T. Warton Sir T. Pope 133 The liberal Pontiff did not consider.., that he was undermining the papal interest, and bringing on the Reformation.a1862Buckle Misc. Wks. (1872) I. 85 The English Reformation..during the early period of its progress,..did not produce a single man of genius.
c. A reformed order (of friars). Obs. rare—1.
1706tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 16th C. II. iv. xi. 449 These [friars] also being divided yet farther into different Reformations, Leo X. commanded them all to be reduced under the single Title of Reformed.
4. Reparation, redress. Obs. Cf. reform v.1 6 b.
1442Rolls of Parlt. V. 65/2 To have reformation made to the Kynges poeple, of certein Injuries and Wronges done to hem.1583Wills & Inv. Durh. (Surtees) 82, I do humble craue theme, that they will se my said wiffe and children maynteaned in lawe, for reformation of this crewell murder, committed vpon me.
5. The action of reforming (one's own or another's) conduct or morals; improvement or amendment in this respect; correction. house of reformation, a reformatory.
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xi. xxxi. (Percy Soc.) 45 Their fruitfull problemes for reformacion, To make us lerne to lyve directly.1542Boorde Dyetary xxxvii. (1870) 299 Excepte it be for reprehensyon or gentyll reformacyon.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 879, I shal finde you emptie of that fault, Right ioyfull of your reformation.a1628Preston Breastpl. Love (1631) 192 If there be no reformation in their lives, if a man deny not himselfe in his beloved sinne [etc.].1678Bunyan Pilgr. Prog. (1900) 127 My trouble came tumbling upon me again, and that over the neck of all my Reformations.1715De Foe Fam. Instruct. i. i. (1841) I. 23 Earnest endeavours after reformation and amendment.1780Bentham Princ. Legisl. xvii. §15 The punishment most subservient to reformation.1843Penny Cycl. XXV. 137/2 Institutions in England auxiliary to those for punishment, or Houses of Reformation.1885H. Conway Family Affair ix, The work of reformation is child's play to that of making your friends believe you have reformed.
6. Control, direction, authority. Obs. rare—1.
1523Act 14 & 15 Hen. VIII, c. 2 All maner of personnes beyng Alyens..occupieng any mistery or handy craft..shalbe under the Serche and Reformacion of the Wardens and the Felowshyppes of handy craftes.
b. In phr. under (or saving) your reformation: subject to your amendment or correction. Obs.
1558Ld. Wentworth in Arb. Garner IV. 194 Under your Majesty's Reformation..I am of opinion there would be enow.1616Coke in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 173, I shall be able..to make the case (saving your Majesty's reformation) without all question.1617Moryson Itin. ii. 189 Wee thinke it (vnder your Lordships reformation) very expedient, that in euery of them, Cittadels were raised.
7. A disbanding, dismissal (of troops); the removal of an officer from the active list. Obs.
1668Lond. Gaz. No. 282/2 His Most Christian Majesty having resolved upon the discharge and reformation of the greatest part of his forces.1670[see reformed ppl. a. 4].
8. attrib. and Comb., as reformation act, reformation-cut, reformation-monger, reformation principles, reformation statute; reformation-bitten, adj.
1661J. Guthrie (title) The great Danger of backsliding and defection from Covenanted Reformation-principles.1681Otway Soldier's Fort. iv. i, That grave hypocritical Beard, of the Reformation-cut.1723Dk. Wharton in True Briton No. 45. II. 396 That many of these pretended Reformation-mongers, have proved themselves as bad Christians, as their Ancestors were Subjects.1848Kingsley Saint's Trag. v. i, A kindly youth and a godly, but reformation-bitten, like the rest.1898Sir W. Harcourt in Westm. Gaz. 4 July 2/3 The great Reformation Act of Elizabeth.Ibid., The Reformation statutes by which the doctrines and practice of the Church of England were established by law.

