
音标: 英 [ˌdɪskənˈtentɪd] 美 [ˌdɪskənˈtɛntɪd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 不满意的

a. showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing


1. We'll make it through this winter of our discontent.


2. The harvest has failed, inevitably there's discontent.

收成不好 难免会有不满情绪

3. Discontent with colonial rule had rumbled on for decades.


4. Yet the voices of discontent are no longer silent.


5. It's a perfect breeding ground for an epidemic of discontent.


6. They were forever discontent and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors.

他们总是不满足于现状 觊觎邻居的财富和美好

7. The papers may be rife with falsehoods, but they can sow the seeds of discontent.

这些报纸可能不尽真实 但他们可以散布不满的情绪

8. He gave me some tonics for my headaches, and now I feel better, having further isolated the cause of my discontent.

他给了我一些治头疼的补药 现在我感觉好多了 进一步遗忘那些让我不开心的原因

9. Tangier is full of discontents so when people go rousing the rabble, well, this rouses me.

丹吉尔充满了各种不满 所以当人们煽动暴民时 我就很兴奋

10. The fond hope that my banker can drum up sufficient capital to buy out our discontented shareholders.

深切希望我的银行家能募集到足够资金 买断对我们不满的股东手上的股份
